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Hey there everybody. Can anyone tell me how to assign instrument outputs to different channels on the mixer. my drums and samples over power one another other and i cant adjust the levels because both are on the master channel. Thanks to anyone who can help.


Also, since you're speaking of drums, if its the samples in an FPC that you want to be routed seperately, click on the pad that you want to change mixer outputs for, and change the "output" LCD in the top right, this changes it's output relative to FPC's output channel, it's not the number of insert you want.

Example; FPC is in Mixer insert 3, you click on the kick pad and change output to "2" now kick is outputting to 5 (3+2=5).

Hopefully one of us answered your question.

Uh, there's an easier way. Just look at the upper right corner of the channel settings window and drag the LCD display marked "FX" to whatever mixer channel you want it set to.


Or click the icon in the top left corner of the channel settings window that says "Assign free mixer track."


for the last solution, I've known about that but haven't liked it too much. works fine unless I have a mixer track that I'm using solely for routing, like I have effects on it and other channels get routed through it, but nothing comes directly into it. Then it considers that to be a "free mixer track" and slaps something on it. boo. you could create a dummy channel and route it in there so it doesn't think it's free anymore, but that seems ugly.


As an aside, I always put every single one of my channels on an FX track and never leave anything routed straight to master out. Two reasons, one because i feel like it makes mixing things easier, and two because it actually lets me solo a channel that I want in the mixer, rather than hitting "solo" and getting that channel....plus everything else that's been routed to master.

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