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This piece is one of the most beautiful remixes I've ever heard. I've long been a fan of the original Wild Arms, and thought that Michiko did a fantastic job composing, even with the lame midi-style of the original playstation sounds on WA, but this just blows it out of the water.

The light, easy strings in the beginning has the same nostalgic feeling that most of the songs in wild arms had, they were all slightly similar, at least enough to recognize the theme.

And that horn crescendo at 1:40? I could feel that welling in my stomach. It was so solemn up till that point, so sad and quiet, then all of a sudden, things felt victorious and strong.

I really love the drums added in at 2:50, gives it a war feeling. The horns added in with that just gives it a massive push... I loved it. Then it slides so slowly back into that soft, quiet theme...

I really did cry.

Thank you, sir.

  • 1 month later...

I apologize for my tardiness. I've been really bad listening to new posted material from OCR. For a couple of months I've been trying to get back into it and making a playlist with all the tracks I love. Today I heard this track and I shed tears. That is what I call music...

I, too, was touched by the series Wild Arms because of the track, "'To The End of the Wilderness." I've been a hardcore Final Fantasy fan all of my life, ever since I was a little girl. Sometimes those kind of fans miss on other RPGs such as the first Wild Arms. I first played it in 2006 because it was recommend by a friend.

I never finished it because I moved and I didn't have my own TV... just 3 weeks ago (before I found this track), I was showing bLiNd my memory card saves and I forgot where I was at Wild Arms. (When you forget, it's time to delete and restart.) As soon as I heard that overworld theme song, I knew I had to start all over and play it again.

That's what I've been doing recently because bLiNd bought me a TV Tuner for my PC so I can play it again. I'm almost done with the game. I stopped playing it recently because I needed to finish FFIV for the Nintendo DS and I did. Best FF remake there is, in my opinion.

I really wanna thank Paul Levasseur and the symphony for making this track and submitting it to OCR. They did an incredible job and I'm so happy we finally have a real, live orchestral reMix! :] You guys have inspired me to hurry up and play all the Wild Arms games before the year 2009 ends.

  • 1 month later...

This...is...inspiring...epic...massive...a magnum opus...

So many terms I could use to describe this piece, but perhaps just "moving" would describe it best. I could listen to this piece at least once a day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it--in fact, it would probably put me in a better state of mind. No lie, I've even heard this piece in my dreams at night. If the sheer power of it wasn't so magnificent, it'd be a little creepy how amazed I am by this...this chunk of raw glory excavated from the mind of a musical genius and the talents of a symphonic orchestra.

I get the chills every time I hear this.

I really hope we get more live symphonic stuff on this site someday, especially if it's as drop-dead gorgeous as this.

  • 2 months later...







It is solemn, moody, grandiose, mellowly serious, quietly contemplative, and indeed the best thing since sliced bread.

Download this now. That is all.

  • 2 months later...

I'm choked up! Paul really did justice to this piece! The story behind the recording absolutely makes me grateful to be able to hear it as it was originally performed in concert!

  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01737 - Wild Arms "A Symphonic Tale"

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