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Well, it's that time of year again. Quarterfinals are tomorrow, and I'm quite excited. I'm going to the local Regal to watch the live broadcast, and for a cheaper price I'll be getting better seats (and air conditioning!) than I got at DCI '07 at the Rose Bowl...we sat nearly in the end zone.

I kinda got spoiled because i got to see Phantom rehearse at a local high school, and I don't think I'll ever forget the first time I heard them go all-out in rehearsal. Made me blink and :shock:. It was great. It was neat to have the perspective on their rehearsals as well.

So, who are you guys rooting for this year? I used to be a die-hard Cadets fan (from their '05 show) but the direction they've been taking as of late...not my favorite. Phantom is doing well, and I think Carolina Crown is set for top 5 maybe! But I still think my favorites are the Blue Devils...their sound is great.


I've never really followed DCI much, idk, I just haven't gotten into it, I do, however, watch the WGI championships every year :P

I know my band director went and saw DCI live last year, idk if he's going again though.


I used to be huge into DCI when I was in high school, but four years of college marching band at a football-centric school made me care less about the serious competitive aspect of marching band and care more about Gameday and the spectacle thereof.

In the end the only DCI shows I really enjoyed were those based on music I already liked, like the Cavies' 007 show a few years back. A lot of the shows are too pretentious for my tastes. I prefer shows that are fun than technically difficult, or even executed perfectly.


I really do like watching the Cavs and the Cadets because of their generally well thought out choreography and tight attention to technical detail. However, I also really look forward to whatever the Scarlet Knights put on(are they even in it this year). They really aren't contenders for the best technical band, but their choreography/end goal usually has serious balls and ends up to be a lot of fun to watch.


Am I like, the only person here that watches WGI? :(

I actually did go to a DCI comp at Stanford last year which was pretty exciting, me and like 20 people from my band all went, since it was the first year our band did field show comps during the fall season.


Gah. my college is small and private and has only has a pep band that I seriously would never be a part of. Ill really miss marching band, even though I SUCKED. Watching DCI depresses me.


I don't really follow DCI that much either. I just know that one of my friends was in Memphis Sound '07 and they were world champions so now he's walking around with a big ass ring. Kinda awesome. He's not wanting to go back again though, because they're having some problems and he says they're going to shit.

believe it or not, I didn't even know what DCI was until college (where I made friends who did it lol). But I've got a buddy in the cadets right now. Did they do good?

Usually they have great shows - Cadets are very narrative focused and they've had some good ideas in the past - but this year's show wasn't all that. They did a good job, it just wasn't up to their usual level of awesome. :(

By the way, I didn't get to see Carolina Crown, Blue Devils, or Cavaliers. I hear that Phantom got straight jacked, though. *sad face*


Phantom was ridiculous amounts of awesome. From the slave rebellion till the end was nearly continuous applause. SCV got a screwy score...their show was phenomenal.

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