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This is a short demo WIP of a mix I'm hoping to submit to OCR. Ever since I found this site years ago,

it was somewhat of a dream of mine to actually get a song accepted and put on this site.

(From the way some people make it sound, it seems nearly impossible.)

Yeah... Kind of a dork dream, but... I dunno. I really respect a lot of the users

and I'm going to remember them all forever. I kinda hope I can be the same.

Anyway... This song is a remix of "Cornered" from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.


It's voiced by Chase McCask.

I also have a myspace page for my music you can check out, and add me, and let me know what you think of things there as well.


Please, let me know what you think of this and others.

Thank you.

(first time posting, btw.)


You've got a lot of work to do on this.

Your instruments all sound like a lower-quality midi than the original work. You need some better samples.

Nick never speaks so calmly, if you're going to use quotes then yell them. Screw up your face and point accusingly to get in character.

Change more. All you seem to have done is add in the odd voice clip and switch up instrumentation to what sounds like two old techno sounds and a harpsichord; you need stronger variance from the source tune, as hard as it is to improve on one of the catchiest video game songs in recent years.

I wish you the best of luck, because this site needs more Wright.


I appreciate your input and understand what you mean as well.

I have since done more to the song and in my opinion it's much less annoying than it was before. The twangy strumming beat is now gone and replaced.

Also, I'm currently only using the default samples that come with FLstudio.

If you know of a place where I can get other higher quality samples, then I will greatly appreciate it.

I thank you, and I urge other users to give me your opinions as well.


guitar stuff here is way cool. the bass line thats playing high sounds can't have those half-tones holding over. it makes the chords changes too dissonant. fix the dissonance and get a beat. you can scour the net for soundfonts, and as for synths check out kvraudio.com. but i don't think the sounds you have up are too bad.


No link to source, no comment on source. But do compare some recently posted remixes to their sources, you'll find that the structure is different, some melodies changed, etc.

I think it's a production problem rather than a resource problem. Pretty much any synth bundled with any software nowadays can output decent sounds, and any included reverb, EQ, compression, and other core effects can make the sound fit in better. If you don't know how to work them, refer to zircon's guide, or use google.

The guitar notes also clash with the rest of the track. That's the worst offender in this mix. The key, the tone, and the repetition of it make it just ill fitting. You could tweak it, but I suggest removing it and starting with a blank track and another instrument.

I'm no fan of voice clips or speech in a track, but these don't sound so bad. In fact, the recording sounds clean. They are, imo, the best sounds in the track. Wonder if you made them or jsut got them from somewhere. IThey sound complete enough to stand on their own. Perhaps you should solo the other tracks, tweak them 'til they all sound good on their own, and then bring them all together.

Hard to judge the progression from a half-minute clip, so no comment on that either. But good luck with the track.


The recordings come from Chase McCask, a user from the Voice Acting Alliance.

I posted an audition with several lines, and his so far are the best I've received, and I think

I'm going to stick with him. I like the voice, and the recording quality is top-notch.


it's very repetitve. it sounds like your section is repeated 4 times to make up the bulk of the middle of your song and then repeated again after the final vox.

I think it follows the original too closely (exactly) in structure, arrangement and meter. it feels like exactly the same arrangement but with some different instrumentation and not mixed well. things like the counter melody at 0:55 are buried.

i didn't mind the vox although in the final use it sounds a bit muffled in the mid-lows, your 'we're off demo' has a much cleaner sounding vox recording. perhaps adding some small snippets of additional dialog can be used to break up the x4 repetition of the middle of the song.

the bass could be made stronger and i think overall the instrumentation needs polishing, especially the trumpety sounding synth and a better use of the musical space with less blending as the parts are not meant to be blended.

it's good to provide a link to the source so people can evaluate the song in context against the original :)


Sorry man, this might leave you a bit disillusioned, but:


Even before the first VA there's sounds that just don't work well. Dunno what to say about the drums, because they're obviously not done that way by accident. The repetition of the backing tracks, and the fact that they don't work well together, harmonically or rhythmically, make this a bit difficult to listen to.

The trance hook sounds pretty good, but it needs some fat. Try adding a delay on it. Bass is terrible, you should probably replace it compeltely. Dunno what kind of speakers/headphones you've got but if you compare this to some OCRemixes, you'll hear that they've got waay more bass.

The voice clips in the end are clipping (no pun intended). You might want to ask for a re-recording of those (esp. at "...was wrong").

Repetition, weird drum writing (and weird drum), and sound quality and mixing are my crits for this. Source is there, but a genre adaptation is hardly enough to put it in the green in source/interpretation. If you fix the harmonic and rhythmic problems with the backing you should be having a much more complete sounding remix, but still in the need of some more interpretation.

I have serious doubts that this could get passed, I'm not sure it'd get on the panel, sorry. Then again, it's a great base for developing the track further, and using VA certainly set it apart from just any genre adaptation. I suggest you keep working on it. I'm surprised you think this is complete. Still, it's a good start, so don't give up.


the big boys around here are rough about musicality and all that, so i'd say this song is off to a great start, even if it did take you a while to compile (big assumption on my part)

in any case, i think a big part missing is the mood of the song, when im listening to it, im not feeling the complete excitement that im expecting to hear, especially from a "TAKE THAT" sorta song... i dont know if you were going for a jumpy hard rock beat or a techno one, but i feel like you should choose one and stick to it, that way the mood can come in that much stronger...

oh, and about the middle part being repetitive, i think adding some personalization or counter melodies would be great around there (solos or shtuff, sorry am not top notch in creativity myself)

but otherwise i think what you have going so far is great and you should keep on working at it, im sure the people here in OCR are more than willing to keep working with you

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