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Descent 2 'Menu'


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Finding an actual playable version of the original is proving difficult. Therefore, if you're truly interested (or just dont know/remember how it goes) you can download the midi files for the music . In the package will be a few files. then one you want is titled "Descent".

This is a remix of the MIDI menu music for Descent 2.

Yet Unnamed

I was inspired to do this up when I heard that Interplay is (might be) doing sequels with it's reopened development studio. It's not done, but this is the meat of it. I figure on getting some feedback here while I iron out the issues that I am familiar with. But hey, feel free to point out all the failure you yourself feel exists ;]

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Oh god, a Descent remix. There's only a few in the entire world, and most of them were part of The Vertigo Series CDs.

I am a huge Descent fan, by the way.

This mixes a little bit of a stereotypical "far east" feel with the zither together with the industrial metal-ish sounds that frequented the redbook audio tracks of the game.

You have to keep working on this one. There are so few Descent remixes, especially these days, so many years after the series has been shelved. Even if Interplay does renew the series, it won't be for a long time.

Again, please keep on this one. I want more Descent remixes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All instruments are very exposed and that makes them sound unprocessed. Normally, music has something of a depth-perception thing going on, where some things sound like they're further from the listener. Faint reverbs, delays, stereo effects tend to improve the depth effect. It's most prominent in the very intro. The zither sounds fairly good, possibly because there's a lot going on when it's playing. The other intro instruments could use some processing, tho. The electric guitar-like synth could use some different processing, it's got this really short delay which is a bit annoying.

The little string crescendo is a bit annoying. Not the idea, not the sample or processing, it's the last stage of their volume rise that's too short for my taste. It turns into just reverb before you've noticed it ended.

Your hihats are centered, like a few too many of your instruments. You have a pan knob, use it a little. Just avoid m aking the track unbalanced, you'll want something in the high range in both ears, so go easy on hihat panning (but you should do _some_ hihat panning). I'm not sure, but the track could benefit from a kick with more bass. Since that'd easy push the amplitude of the track, you'd want a multiband compressor to keep the levels balanced. While on the topic of cdompression, the 3:13 section seems to suffer some compression issues.

Source usage is ok-ish. It's more of a build on the source than a rearrangement, but those counts as remixes too. I think there's lots of stuff from the source that you could draw from. Utilize more of the source.

I do enjoy its sound, but it's got some issues, mostly about instruments not being processed enough. There's a lot of really cool atmosphere effects, and the progression makes sense to me. Good stuff.

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