Liontamer Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 Rozovian #21613 "Beyond Velocity" F-Zero GX (Gamecube) Zen (Aeropolis) Shortly after finishing Eat Your Own Dust, I had the melody for Zen in my head. The source is actually really simple when you ignore all the effects. I just listened to it, extracted all the source elements I could find, and this is the result. A lot of tweaking went into it, so I'm really understanding the expression "10% inspiration, 90% perspiration". Once again, I got some help from the #ocrwip channel, tho the most helpful feedback came from the J's.
anosou Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 One of my favorite soundtracks around. I like the preset-techno feel and the character themes are fabulous. But then again, who cares about what I think I really like the opening with the bells, I'm a sucker for bells. Solid build-up, you effectively faded elements from the source in and out without it feeling repetitive. Although I was pretty damn sure something would happen at aroud 1:10. Kinda drags with a build-up this long. Oh! Damn! Now I realized it wasn't a build-up. Bummer! Ambient, but bummer Some of the new chords and melodic variations (1:30-2:00) were interesting but did sound a bit out of place and disjointed. No dealbreaker though. Pretty much everything else felt in place. The arrangement is very much like the worst kind of woman. Incredibly hot and constantly whispering dirty stuff in your ear, then she suddenly stops after 4 minutes and nothing really happened. No offense man but I was like on the edge of the chair so many times waiting for the beat to enter You handled the source in a clever way even though I can't say it felt dominant. It WAS dominant, it just didn't feel dominant. Can't blame you though, the source is very minimal and you effectively placed most elements in your arrangement. The arrangement (although lacking some proper beats!) was dynamic and I never got bored. Some more interpretation wouldn't have hurt but it would've been pretty hard to pull off. All the elements clicked and production-wise this was just ace, nice work there. I don't really see any good reason to NO this. I feel it could've gone places and been something more but then it wouldn't be this remix. This remix, as it sounds right now, is good and above the bar. Nice work YES
anosou Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 SOURCE:
Liontamer Posted October 4, 2008 Author Posted October 4, 2008 F-Zero GX/AX Original Soundtracks - (224) "ZEN (Aeropolice)" The pads were a bit too murky/saturated for my tastes, but that's a delicate balance, and this was fine as is. The belltones-type leads were a little trebly, but I liked the writing on them. The synth lead at 1:08 was something I'd expect from the Japanese arrangement, though a note went sour at 1:22 as it modulated. Also thought the writing was odd from 1:30-1:34, 1:39-1:42, 1:47-1:50, and, to a lesser extent, 3:28-3:30. You were trying to alter that melody, but it didn't click to me at all, same as AnSo noticed. To me, that's a one of those small yet jarring/dealbreaker-level issues that's reasonably fixable. I'm gonna push for the fix. Arrangement-wise, solid; I was definitely enjoying the groove laid out here, as you retained the melody and rhythms of the original while going for a much more subdued take. Like AnSo said, there could have been beats or something else added, but that would change the character of the mix in a way that's not necessary. Fix up those odd notes and you're good, otherwise it's a NO. YES (conditional) EDIT (11/3): After letting this one marinate for a while (this one's great to put on repeat, IMO), I'm used to the odd notes, and ultimately they're fine. I'll live, so funk it, though I can definitely see why I reacted so strongly on the first listen; the notes really stand out the first few times. However, it's not worth a conditional vote over a small detail that became a non-issue upon repeated listens, so I'm fully in support of this one. YES
Palpable Posted October 13, 2008 Posted October 13, 2008 Man, what a tease this song is, just like AnSo mentioned. Seeing the title I was imagining this would be like some kind of hyper-fast DnB song. The song never even broke a sweat! Putting my expectations aside, I did like the piece. Peaceful and measured, very good building of elements in the intro, and good lead additions. I was hoping for a more substantial beat sometime, but I think what you have is something different, not necessarily worse. The source isn't the most melodic track in the world, and I was a little concerned at first how much of it was used in your song. What I can tell is the bells are used, with some modifications, and there's some heavier usage of the simple drone that filters in around 0:51 in the original. I decided it was acceptable, but I wouldn't mind a breakdown from Larry or Mattias if there is something I'm missing here. Using the lead or chord progression that starts at 1:16 in the original would have been nice to really sell the connection. Solid production, no big complaints there. Like Larry, I'd like to see those sour notes fixed before passing this. The notes are too dissonant and really hurt the piece. Very nice work otherwise. YES (conditional on sour notes) Edit (11/17): Hmm, still sounds a little off to me, but I don't have the last version to compare. I'm willing to call this a YES though. Either through fixes or me just listening to the song enough times, it sounds passable. YES
anosou Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Palpable, check out the updated version Shariq posted (or change your mind like Larry!) so we can get this one outta here soon!
zykO Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 oh so delicious to my ears. i think i just heard what ice cream sounds like. very peaceful, very soothing. when very clever melodic arrangement teetering on the edge of nutty dissonance doesn't bother you, you know you're in for a treat. that seems to be this submission's "main theme" and it's a-ok in my book too! this is very cool. waaay beyond velocity. YES
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