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A little arrangement of Sturm's theme, a dub/club mix? I don't know. You tell me. I just went into a rampage and came up with this in 2 days. I'm very pleased with this track.

*Before anyone starts complaining, mind that it is meant to be repetitive (since Sturm's theme is just a 1 minute loop, a club/dub/whatever mix is all that I could come up with).

Listen & comment so I may update and (maybe someday) submit it.

Sturmed the HQ - by Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna

Ah, yes... it does feature the CO Power jingle from the first Advance Wars... I felt nostalgic, so what? :roll:

*I forgot, just so that you know, I know next to zero about EQ and 'Mastering' and whatever. I just get the feel of a song and draw the outline in Fruity Loops. I do try to play with the internal EQs and limiters and whatnot so that it doesn't sound like a bunch of muddy sounds just punishing your eardrums, but I like loudness in my stuff. Critical and positive reviews accepted nonetheless, and if someone could help me with that technical part, It'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time, peace & respect to my fellow mixers out there.


No source link, no source comment.

It's a bit too repetitive. Can't you rework the lead melody into something to another chord progression? I'm tired of it after 2 minutes already.

3:35 and I'm _SO_ tired of it. Really, work on changing stuff. Calm sections, intense sections, major, minor chord progressions, new instruments... stuff. Changes.

But let's talk production. it doesn't sound _bad_ atm, but it does get a bit cluttered, as you've gt a lot of instruments in different ranges all doing their thing and not being that synched in writing. A multiband compressor would sort that out, as it keeps the frequency bands from pushing down each other.

Bass could use some _less_ bass frequencies, it becomes a bit like a carpet now. Less bass, more volume. That annoying thing I think is a synth drum of some type (it's there from the start) needs to be dropped in volume. You could maybe use a little more volume on your kick, but it's not a priority.

Your guitar could use some volume... or everything else a bit less. When listening to the guitar, I hear how overcompressed this track is. Multiband compressor should clear some of that up. there's some pan effect on it that's mostly just annoying, use reverb and see if you have a stereo delay of some kind. Don't add too much of either, tho.

I think that should get you started. Good luck.


Yes, it is incredibly repetitive.

But it is also sooooo amazing, it has an amazing groove and rhythm. I've listened to it over 12 times in the last 2 hours and I can't still get enough of it.

Just about it.


Ok, I'll start by saying that this is good, I'm liking what is here. I also like the style, that lead guitarist synth is awesome, I want it :D

I am unfamiliar with the source, unfortunately, so I can't comment on that (its something people forget that is crucial for the listeners to give critique on)

Oh to hell with it, I'll find it...

Here we go! :D


Ok, so its better than the original in my opinion

However, it is to repetitive, and I know, you say that it needs to be, but the judges don't like repetition any more than us trust me ;)

Ok, I'll leave the production to rozo, I'm not comfortable with sharing my knowedge about that yet.

I will try and help arrangement-wise instead.

There are plenty of ways to add varity to the track. You can change chord sequences of a particular section of the track, you could add a breakdown section, which I would strongly recommend for this, it would remove some of the repetition. You could also add original sections in the middle to flesh out the track.

You could also add variations to the melody, as well as counter melody's.

You could even do a synth solo with that guitar synth of yours - that would be sick :P

When I do a remix I stucture it in ternary form -

Original Intro - to get people in the right mood

A section - a simple rendition of the theme (what you have is fine for that at the moment)

B section - original section, Breakdown or/and instrumental solo.

A section (repeat) - repeat of the A section with variations in melody, chords, whatever (you could do some of that in the first a section - just make sure the two sections are distinguishable)

Ending - whatever suits your fancy here (although people frown upon fade out and abrupt endings - I wouldn't recommend them - although they can work if done well)

I hope this info helps at least a small amount :D

Yes, it is incredibly repetitive.

But it is also sooooo amazing, it has an amazing groove and rhythm. I've listened to it over 12 times in the last 2 hours and I can't still get enough of it.

Just about it.

Yes!! Exactly that was what I was trying to create.

So thank you all for your comments, I've been working on this every now and then and I have the pleasure of presenting thee the latest version:

Sturmed the HQ(v2.1) - by Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna

Major Update Warning!!!

October 6th. 2008

Sturmed the HQ(v.B) - by Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna

Ok, so you've heard v2.1, but there was a little something that I didn't quite feel about it myself :S ...in short, it was too messy.

So I remade a WHOLE lot of things and came up with the henceforth known as the "B"-side.

So it's up to you to vote for your favorite now.

The original, or the B version?

October 7th. 2008

Sturmed the HQ(v.B[FINAL]) - by Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna

Let me know what you think. This is the properly finished B version.


2.1 version:

Don't take offense at this, but I'm gonna be brutally honest about it.

Lead is just lame and painful. Sorry man, you need to process it more. Since it's there pretty much all the time, you _need_ to change it. I'm not sure this is gonna make it to the Js' panel otherwise.

0:04-0:56, painful, but tolerable. 0:56-1:44, we've heard iut, it's juust one more "guitar" this iteration. 1:44-2:48, an iteration with a little more variation and deviation, but mostly the same thing. Again. 2:48-4:00 is also a bit more interpretive than the first iterations, but we've friggin' heard it.

That's your problem, methinks, you rely on the repetition to cover the length of the remix. Cutting out the first two iterations would help, but it needs more variation in sound, dynamics, all that.

B version:

It's different, which is a good thing. Some levels fixing required in this version, with the accompanying lead synth. I think it's better than v2.1 but still got a problem with the repetitive sound and writing.

Ultimately, both version have pretty much the same problems, altho I like the synth you used in version B and think it could spice up the remix when used well. You, however, use it as just backing. Give it a section to lead, drop the drums for a section, go double-speed with the drums, change key signature, chord progression, do something different.

I hope you don't think I think this is terrible. It's interesting, and has a number of cool ideas that would make an awesome remix when done right - which I hope you'll attempt. Good luck, man.

Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.


You've got an interesting mix rolling here, but it doesn't really seem to go anywhere. It feels like someone just was dicking around and sliced a bunch of random bits together. If anything, it almost feels to progress backwards.

I think a bit of reorganization would really help this song out.

Also, while the variation is there, it's too subtle. You've got some interesting chord movements here and there, but squeezed into a tiny instrument set; It doesn't feel like it's really changing at all.


I was thinking the same thing about Advance Wars, but I'd really like someone to remix Grit's or Nell's theme.

Well, going over to your latest update; I continue to love the way it is delivered: it feels and sound like something you would expect from Sturm. I like the arrangement, I really do, but Rozovian already stated whatever issues you should address.


Thank you all for your feedback, it is really appreciated.

Regarding this WIP, I'm gonna work hard on it, I know there's still much to do.

The song does feel broken, but it's my work style. I put whatever I fancy and when it sounds like it's almost put together, I completely rewrite it. I haven't gone back to check the source myself yet (it blocks my arrangement powers lol), so might as well you might find a totally improved thing. So expect v.B2 soon and I hope it overcomes your expectations.

One luv, Xeno.


FireSlash - awesome sig.

Anyway, I was expecting something not too different from the previous versions, expecting to tell you that you sometimes have to "kill your darlings". If you're not familiar with the expression, it's when you have to abandon an awesome idea for something because it's not working, but you have become too fond of it to hear that.

For most part, I was right.

I do like how you've used the second synth, but you need to vary the overall soundscape more.

By the way, there's a synth kick in there. Is it just a random rhythmic element, or is it the actual kick in this remix? If it's the latter, you should probably replace it with an acoustic sample. In either case, it's a bit annoying, imo.

I'm hearing a lot more variation, but aside from tweaking your lead sound to be a little more interesting, the overall sound is still very repetitive. Drum patterns are the same, maintaining a high-energy level and never really rising or dropping. Make it drop, make it rise in energy by varying the drum patterns and the general intensity.

I hear you've improved this, but you need to change its sound more, probably by changing drum writing and general intensity. I suggest you find or make a softer lead that you can use for less intense sections.

A step in the right direction. Good work.

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