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FAC - VOTES ARE IN - Fan Art Competition 18: Sidekicks

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You should always strive to improve, whether or not you're winning contests.

Edit: This month's thread will be up tomorrow when I am not about to leave and have SEX WITH WOMEN

Unfortunately, "strive to improve" is in direct conflict with "get good grades", and to a lesser extent, "[verb] with [plural noun]".


anyone who has taken time to critically examine the education system knows that the guy who spends his time perfecting his drawing skills probably actually has a better life ahead of him than the guy who tries his darnedest to get good grades


I've never had trouble getting good grades, and I spend a fair amount of my time drawing and trying to expand on my ability and knowledge for art in general. If you're saying trying to improve ones art is going to cause one to get poor grades in other classes and not have time to do other stuff, maybe you're just really bad at time management, which says quite a bit cause I'm horrible at time management and still get along fine. :P

Edit: To add onto that I've come across many artists on the internet over the past 8 years that are AMAZING artists that get paid pretty decent on just commissions and freelancing, at least one of them didn't actually draw much or any at all during her childhood and sorta just picked it up one day as an adult.

I've never had trouble getting good grades, and I spend a fair amount of my time drawing and trying to expand on my ability and knowledge for art in general. If you're saying trying to improve ones art is going to cause one to get poor grades in other classes and not have time to do other stuff, maybe you're just really bad at time management, which says quite a bit cause I'm horrible at time management and still get along fine. :P

Edit: To add onto that I've come across many artists on the internet over the past 8 years that are AMAZING artists that get paid pretty decent on just commissions and freelancing, at least one of them didn't actually draw much or any at all during her childhood and sorta just picked it up one day as an adult.

The thing is:

1) I take some ridiculous courses

2) My art skils are such that I can do great things if I have either a ton of time, or a good reference photo (or other such thing in front of me). Unfortunately, the videogame themed nature of contest makes it difficult for me to choose something for which a reference photo exists - so far I've only done one entry this way, and the rest are more or less cartoons. Cartoons IS the area where I need to improve (and tend to be more fun and challenging for me to draw), so that's why I keep drawing them. Given the right theme, I could do some serious blowing-out-of-the-water with some realistic pencil or pastel work. But what's the fun in that??

3) If I don't have a reference, I can still draw good stuff given a lot of time - but this contest has only a one-month deadline. And if I go straight into the final drawing (without a ton of drafts and practice sketches first) it most always turns out as garbage. I totally admire artists that can just draw an idea from their head on the first try - I really wish I could do that. So every contest I use as an opportunity to practice, but maybe just not as much as I'd like to. And maybe if I didn't post here so much, I'd haOMG ULTIMATE POWER!!!!!


I've got a good suggestion for you fH that might help. I used to have the same problem as you, even ignoring the fact that I might sit in some of my more boring classes doodling all the time. But then I participated in something called Daily Doodles last year.

Try to produce something in less than a day. Like if you have a small bit of free time, ask someone for a theme, then draw that theme as best you can before real life demands your attention. Or put some random words in a hat and draw three, then work them into a picture somehow.

It's really hard and at first you might not be able to complete anything or do it to a level you're happy with, but if you keep doing it even just a few days a week for a month, you can get better at putting what you have in mind on paper. Maybe next time you have a long break give it a try and see if it helps.

But mainly the point of it is to train your brain to be more responsive, it worked pretty well for me, I hope maybe it'll help you. :)

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