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I thought i'd just share this. Snake has to capture a new high-tech device from an unknown place, filled with strange nerds who'd rather take a gaming magazine to the toilet, instead of a Playboy. Will Snake find the device? He would've, if it weren't for the fact that two "guards" already found it, deemed it worthless, and threw it into the garbagebin.

A few weeks ago, i got an assignment from school which was about making a video to inform people about a Camera Obscura. I thought about giving it a Metal Gear twist, and behold, here is the outcome.

And before you flame me, yeah it's pretty standard. But please keep in mind that we had no budget, the camera was crap, i pretty much had to do the entire thing myself since the people i had to work with weren't exactly motivated...This was my first time acting, editing, directing....the works. I am pretty proud how it turned out, seeing as i was losing condidence along the way.

Yes, i know i'm not the best Solid Snake, but i think i did alright.


Yeah it was. It was made out of an empty Pringles...thing (dunno the word). Basically, Snake couldn't find it, because the "guards" already threw it away. Thus, Snake couldn't find it.

It's sorta of an homage to the stupid guards you always find in the game, how they can never see you unless you're standing 5 feet in front of them. This is the same, the "high-tech device" they actually have to guard, get's thrown away. So yeah.


Hehe, I liked it pretty well. I wasn't a big fan of the "Codec exposition" in the beginning, but I can't complain...it was better done than most other stuff I've seen. Kudos!

Hehe, I liked it pretty well. I wasn't a big fan of the "Codec exposition" in the beginning, but I can't complain...it was better done than most other stuff I've seen. Kudos!

Well, like i said, this was my first time doing everything. I still don't actually know if it's possible to run two seperate movies at the same time, so i had to film the codec scene in one shot, with me and "the Colonel" standing bang next to eachother.

After that, i just made a flimsy CODEC-like screen, which fits the purpose of the whole parody. If i made it really close to the game, it would've turned out to serious.

Well, like i said, this was my first time doing everything. I still don't actually know if it's possible to run two seperate movies at the same time, so i had to film the codec scene in one shot, with me and "the Colonel" standing bang next to eachother.

After that, i just made a flimsy CODEC-like screen, which fits the purpose of the whole parody. If i made it really close to the game, it would've turned out to serious.

Oh, no I thought it fit the movie just fine. I wasn't complaining about the quality of the scene, I just thought the dialog was a little lacking compared to the rest of it.


Very well done. I'd say the introduction was more interesting than the actual mission, though because I didn't really know what was going on save for some parodies. Maybe that's all you wanted to do though.

I also have no idea what language everyone was speaking but it certainly made things more involving. I couldn't just read the codec to understand what was going on, for example.

Oh, no I thought it fit the movie just fine. I wasn't complaining about the quality of the scene, I just thought the dialog was a little lacking compared to the rest of it.

Oh yeah, you're totally correct, it's just supposed to be educational first, entertaining second. I thought the CODEC scene was just perfect to explain what a Camera Obscura was, and then to move on to the funny stuff.

I guess there's no need to tell that the Metal Gear part of the first SSBB movie inspired it.

@ Broken: since i'm Dutch, and so are all my mates, cause we all live in the Netherlands, i guess it's safe to say the language is Dutch ;). But it's intended for Dutch students, so my guess is that it's gonna be just fine. Like i said, the reason why i posted this was because i just wanted to share it, maybe give you guys a laugh. It wasn't intended for non-Dutch people, so if you dont understand it, it's neither your fault, nor mine. :)

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