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So i got the orange box today, and i wanted to play portal. Im starting up and i jump through the portal glados opens up for you in the very beggining. After that, I get some BS that "blah blah 0xblahblah could not be read 0xblah blah memory something something. Click ok to close application" It seems other people have had this problem with other valve games too.

Any solutions?


Fucking shit, i didn't even check the specs on my computer.

It needs at least 1.7 GHz processor, i only have 1.58

Fuck me, i have to return the damn game now


I have spore, which exceeds the technical requirements of my PC, but it works fine?! This is some mo' buillshit


I havn't tried them yet. But, theres another computer in the house, which is older, but has more GHz for some reason. I will try that and see what happens.

Edit: Wtf?! My GHz for my current computer (the one that couldn't run portal) has jumped to 1.86 GHz in the "properties" tab. If a fix doesn't come up im gonna freak


The sound looping issue is actually a Source engine bug that for most people it's not a huge deal breaker. Sad but true the bug is something that Valve has yet to fix. In fact for the most part it's not as noticeable and often goes away for me. The most obvious times I've seen it is in TF2 when I die as HWGuy with Sasha firing and it goes away as soon as I respawn...

As for the pagepool trick, it only applies to graphical/technical issues. For some it fixes alot of problems for players, For others it does nothing...

Goodluck making it work.. or just get a new pc that's actually beefy...

BTW: The sound looping issue is universal, doesn't matter what OS you're using to run Orange Box :lol:

Don't blame windows for your inept computer :lol:

Ignore Ghz. Never look at it again or use it as a yardstick. What processor do you have?

I'd say post all of your computer specs. Just like Ghz isn't a good measure of your processors performance anymore, barely meeting other specs might not mean much if you're playing on a laptop or an older system.

If you could post a screen shot of the exact error that may help us as well for tracking down the cause and a fix. As it is, I can't say I know what error you say you're getting. Then again, I also can't get on the Steam forums (or any other game forums) from here at work to try and track it down right now.


I'll post my tech specs later when i have time,

But i did read on a forum that antivirus sometimes is the source of the issue. I have AVIRA, which was not specifically listed as a problem starter, but just to double check, does anyone think that it would consume too much system resources?


The recommendations on the steampowered support website for Intel gfx cards did nothing. The game still crashes, I will shortly post the error message

Error message:


I tried everything suggested so far, does the problem lie in the graphics card?

In response to phill, regular HL2 works fine


Here's a few things I'd recommend, in order of cost.

1. Update your graphics drivers - This is a link to the integrated card you posted, assuming you're using XP Pro. If not, get the drivers for the OS you have.

2. Upgrade your memory - Two 1GB sticks can go for as little as $20 after rebate.

2. Buy a graphics card - I've mentioned this in like 5 threads already, but an HD 3650 will run you $35 after rebate. :P


Tried 1, portal still being a bitch

2, I have enough to spare, plus i did a fair amount of cleanup prior to installing. If i want to i could install the games again with the space i have.

3: If i can't find a straight fix, then i unfortunately will have to do this (staples...god), but i'll call tech support and see what i can scrounge up before getting up to spend more money


I think you might be confusing memory with hard disk space. What I'm suggesting is to get an extra GB of RAM. If the GB you already have is in a single stick, you can run the two in dual channel mode.

And I would suggest getting your computer parts from Newegg.com. Your average Best Buy or Staples will rip you a new one on video cards (Staples sells 8500GTs for $150...the same exact model is $50 on Newegg).


I have to ask again if it's a desktop or laptop, simply because upgrading the graphics card may not even be possible on a laptop. As for narrowing the problem, I'm unfortunately checking this at work again so it won't let me see the picture of the error message you got. I'll check it again when I get home just to see if I can track down anything on it, but I would bet money that the problem is the integrated graphics and the 1 GB of ram. When I got the Orange Box, I tried running it on my former laptop which actually had better specs than you listed, easily met the minimum requirements, but I had tons of issues. Missing textures, huge framerate drops and more, mainly because I was running on integrated graphics with 1GB of ram. It's made even worse by the fact that integrated graphics shares system ram, so the game 1 GB you have is being split between the CPU and the onboard graphics card. Even though I technically met the minimum specs it just didn't run well.

Now if you have a desktop then this point is rather moot. Another GB of RAM and a cheap graphics card and you'd probably be set. Even if it's a laptop, another GB of ram could probably help alleviate the problem if not fix it entirely. Or you could just do what I did and build a new desktop computer (I was planning to at the time anyway), but that doesn't sound like an option for you here.


I tried most of those suggestions to no avail to my dismay, the only ones i havn't tried are the ones that require ridiculous tinkering with system settings that i didn't even know existed. Portal still freezes up like a bitch with that god awful windows error sound mocking me.

I have a question about this particular remedy

Page file: Try turning off your system paging file (you have to reboot) and setting your page file for 1x or 2x the amount of RAM being used. This setting can be found under Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance > Advanced > Virtual Memory

How is this done? I went to there but i'm a little confused. As "custom" looks like what im supposed to do but "no paging file" is there as well. I don't want to mess up my computer.

Although all these solutions suggested by valve are pretty far out there, so i really might just have to get a new gfx card (however i'm still confused as the support page doesn't imply that my problem is caused my intel gfx card or RAM...)

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