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*NO* Dune 'EcoLove 2003'


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I don't know why I'm going to use this adjective, but I found this mix.... masturbatory.

First of all, this mix is really quiet, no it's not just the intro. It's not going to get any louder. This hasn't gone through any form of mastering at all, but even then it should be louder - it's just tickling the graphical display on my winamp.

It's not really repetitive as different riffs are added as soon as you think you might hit the boredom mark. The drums are good, but they don't stick around for long, they're absent for about the last 3rd of the mix. It's kinda spare and could have done with a really outstanding melody.

It's almost there...but not quite. This mix could have been taken to another level I'm sure.


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Ah, one of my favorite songs from the Dune soundtrack.

I'll definatly be doing a remix of this one day.

First off some definate issues with volume level.

Secondly this really isn't much more than the original with some new

drum breaks and sections where the bass is expanded.. It's really nice,

mind you, and I'm digging what you're doing with it, but it still sounds

like it could be an S3M, as far as instrument quality goes. Now while

I'm very cool with S3Ms and all that (yay for amiga in my youth), that's

not what we're aiming at here at OCR and all.

Ah cool, this near the end bit is a pretty cool expansion of the theme.

I'm really digging this arrangement so far.. it just still feels incomplete

somehow. While we all know I love minimalism to death, this is just

arranged like it wants more going on, to my ears. (btw, I did NOT dig the

keychange bit that wasn't in the original)

Somehow that lead flute reminds me of a patch used in "Ascent of the

Cloud Eagle" by Necros I think..... that was a damn spiffy S3M....

Anyway, on to the sad part:


Definatly get this posted up somewhere else though. The Dune soundtrack

is way way way way too overlooked. Definatly some solid gold stuff there.

I'll be hanging on to this mp3 (:

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  • 3 weeks later...

yay, more old pc game music, i remember this....

hmm.... 48khz? why! whatever you thought you gained by using a 48khz sampling rate was lost when you converted it to mp3. use 44.1 next time.

i agree with malcos that this needs some mastering work. it's really quiet and there's not enough dynamic range to suggest it needs to be this quiet like orchestral or jazz recordings. though for the record i'd like to say that i prefer mixes be on the quiet side than the noticeably-compressed side.

secondly i agree with matt about the lack of deviation from the original. the sounds are good, i especially like the drum machine sounds, they're pretty tight as opposed to a lot of the weak stuff i usually hear on the panel. but it seems overall this could use some development. the ending felt like it came too soon even though this is 4 minutes long... because there wasn't enough of a build-up or a climax to make me feel like this track had expressed everything it set out to.

i think i'm just reiterating what others have said so i'll just be quiet now.


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