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finally finished Hero of Ages. holy crap, i guess i should have expected an ending of that caliber after reading some of sanderson's other stuff (elantris in particular).

anyone else read these books and find them awesome? do YOU also wonder what the last two metals are? or what happened to marsh? the kandra? the koloss? hell, the world?

well, post here and we'll talk.


Yeah, these books are awesome...

It's been a while since a read them, but I cant think of anything to say about them right now.

However, I did get to speak with the author though at Conduit a while ago, He's a pretty cool guy. It's also interesting that he is the one who is also finishing the Wheel of Time series as well, and I think that he will do a good job at it.

If you haven't ready anything by him, then I suggest you fix that problem by picking up one of his books. Heck, he even has one of his books available for free on his website.

...Wait, Hero of Ages is out already? Hmm, I'm going to have to pick me up a copy as I've only read the first two.


sanderson is probably the best writer that i've ever found in terms of creating characters that you care about, and keeping it interesting. elantris and all three mistborn books also probably have some of the best 'hosnap, didn't see that coming' endings that i've read recently. particularly number 2. his planning throughout the series is so evident - right down to stuff like the spikes in the inquisitors, and sazed's personality, etc. it's awesome. they're also relatively quick reads - they're not these enormous books, they're only like 400 pages each at max, i think. good for a lazy weekend (or, like me, for reading during pit rehearsal for the school musical).


Wow this thread really surprised me. I love Brandon. One of the best writers I have ever seen actually. I've met him a few times in person and he is really cool. He lives in the same city I do.

I think one of the reasons he is so good is because he is not afraid to throw away pet ideas that he likes, but that might not be best for the book. He is really willing to be critical about his own work. Another reason he is so good is because he does so many drafts before he even runs it past the publisher's editor. I think Elantris had around 10 or 11 revisions before he got it published.

Like Ajax mentioned earlier, he even has a free book that you can download from his website http://www.brandonsanderson.com/ It's pretty good. I read it back when it was version 4.x or 5.x or something earlier than what it is now.

If you have been wondering if you should pick up his books, just do it... Especially the Mistborn series.

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