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the first competitively priced 3d gaming monitor has been put up for purchasing by iZ3D. the article's available here.

it doesn't support a 64-bit OS (being resolved in a driver update), older multi-gpu configurations (sli, crossfire, etc...supposedly fixed on the ati 4xxx and gtx 200 dies, but i'm not sure about that), dual monitor, or OpenGL (who cares about opensource on a gaming system, anyways). and you have to wear silly glasses (they include two pairs and a clipon set). however, it's shipping from newegg for 349$, which is about how much you pay in a store for a 22" widescreen anyways. most people say that in more modern games like CoD4 and 5, hellgate, and other action/adventure and fps games with lots of visual-depth reference points, this is incredible. games like civ 3 don't really look that special.

plz discuss! i'm actually possibly thinking about getting this now when i upgrade to a gaming monster sometime soon in the future.

Lack of x64 support is a deal-breaker for me. As mentioned in one of the reviews, the best games require more memory than a 32-bit OS can handle (well, to max out settings anyway).

Also, wouldn't games need to be specifically designed for this technology in order to make it work well, and not be just a cheesy gimmick?

games HAVE been made for 3d for the last five or six years. we've just never had the tech to display in it. also note that the 64-bit tech is coming within the next two months in a driver update.

redshadow, note that i said it was affordable. 700$ for a monitor isn't affordable...350 is.

jovian, it's not just stereoscopic, like you're thinking of. it's actually two LCD monitors built into one unit, and one monitor displays standard 2d data while the other one displays the depth of field stuff. it's actually pretty incredible.


Well depends on what you mean by "work well." Any 3-D game can be viewed in stereo, as shifting the camera angle for every frame is a pretty trivial operation. Nvidia's been doing this for a while with special shutter glasses, but it never caught on, especially since nowadays LCDs don't have a high enough refresh rate to support more than 30fps.

This just might be enough for me to go Crossfire though.


"Simply plug the monitor into the VGA or DVI port on your graphics card and put on the passive polarized 3D glasses and your game will be in your face."

Well it seems cool, but if I read it right you have to wear some sort of 3d glasses? It's interesting but probably won't catch on if need to wear glasses. I probably won't be buying this.

  • 3 months later...

So I just checked out these iZ3D drivers and it turns out they have a free anaglyph option. This means that for the price of a pair of red/cyan glasses, you can play any Direct3D game in stereoscopic 3D. I've tried it with a couple games (Portal and DMC4) and it's pretty awesome, although I still need to tweak the settings some more to get the colors un-wonkified.

So in other words, the topic title should be changed to "3d gaming is officially here for under $20." :D Heck it could even be free if you've got a pair lying around from your Spy Kids DVD or something.


stereoscopic pictures require a certain bit of distance from the image to work properly, since they have to be 'tweaked' for the viewing distance. projectors are better than monitors since their display is farther away from the viewer, allowing a better picture. until this came around, they were (comparitively) cheaper, too.

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