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Source: http://legends-station.com/?page=mml1/music - Scroll down to track number 56 (Theodore Bruno).

Alright, I've remixed this track once before. Though, it was a few years back and I love that remix so much, I wanted to get a new spin on it. Well, I did just that. I'm not very awesome at Trance or anything, but it's something I definitely wanna get better at. And there lies my biggest challenge with this remix. Taking the original and transforming it into the trance genre.

So have a listen and let me know what I can do to make this remix better. This site needs a MML remix and I'd like to be the first to make it happen. :D


Update #1 - 12/25/08


Yeah, it's an update. Bet ya didn't see that coming. Anyways, as I continued writing the track, I begin to realize that was settin' up for another MML track to enter. So, once I did realize that, I went ahead and added it. The extra track that's now included is the "Main Gate" theme. You can use the source link above to find the...uh, source track.


Update #2 - 12/25/08


Lets see...I basically took out the extra MML theme I had in the first update and added original sections. I figured that everything was "in-your-face" already, so I wanted to make it die down and build back up. Aaaand that's pretty much it. Lemme know what ya think. :3


Well, I'm not familiar with the game, but after listening to the source, I thought you did an admirable job remixing it. The source isn't too melodic or memorable, so what you end up with is sort of a background track. I think you should bring the melodies to the front and show them off a bit, because even though you do vary it up a bit, the track still comes off as somewhat repetitive. Adding some interesting chords (a la Mega Man 3 title, to beat a dead horse) or creating a break somewhere in the middle might help. Production-wise I thought you did a good job. Good luck!


Yeah, the source is basically just that, a background track. It's used for a boss fight 'n such.

As for the melody, can't say I know what you mean. The main lead in the source is already out in front, so to speak. Only thing I can see to do is add on to the lead with original leads. And you're right, it does seem a little repetitive. I'll have to work on that a wee bit.

At any rate, I decided to take out the "Main Gate" portion for right now. Depending on how the rest of the track pans out, it may or may not come back. I went ahead and laid down some original sections after Bruno's theme. I'm a little ify about what I think, but so far it doesn't sound too terrible. ^^;


Clipping or other distortion... not pretty.

Bruno's source seems to be there. Having a hard time focusing on melodies tonight, dunno why. Not gonna try to listen for the other source if you're not sure you're gonna use it.

I normally hate voice clips in songs. Singing is usually ok, but just voice clips, voice acting... no. Here... not so much. It annoys me a bit, but it's not _bad_.

Aside from the heavy distortion, I don't have much to complain about. Not much that I notice, at least. Maybe I'll hear it all later, and shoot this wip down hard. Nice use of both a plucked-sounding synth and a typical trance synth. Nice work man.

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