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Ok... See this is what gets me. Let's say I want something changed. One person rarely has the power to change something like law, so the logical course of action would be to inform others and hope that they'll want to have things changed, too. But, according to your implication, I'm dumb for coming here and talking about this because none of you agree with me. Well, I wasn't aware that reality was based on how many people agree. Remember that in 1870, most people agreed that black people shouldn't have the right to vote; I guess the majority was right there, too? Just because a majority agrees, that doesn't make it the best way to do things. But no, because you don't agree with me, I must be misguided trying to talk about this. It's law, I have to deal with it, and it's worthless me trying to inform people and create discourse on a topic I think should be changed. Sorry, I'll try not to be so foolish next time?

Really. Come on.

The point is that you're barking up the wrong tree. Or preaching to the choir.

Point is, pretty much everyone here can understand why Nintendo did what they did. And they can also understand that yeah, you think it's wrong.

So just lay off now. You made your point. Fair-use is ambiguous. Oh no. :(


That goes both ways; if you already know my point, why are you coming into the thread?

@JJT: I don't think he's a troll. That's the point; I have no reason to think he is, so me making that assertion without evidence to back it up (or inhuman mind reading skills) would be asinine. I know I've made my point. Majority of my recent posts have been me defending myself from posts like Fenrir's, which I shouldn't have to do, but oh well. This is the internets; that's to be expected. :P


That's fine; if you have the right to keep coming in, so do I. I don't see why you'd, especially as a moderator, say "stop posting" if someone wasn't breaking any explicit rules or anything. That's... not very "moderator-ly".


I never claimed to be psychic, but even if I was, I wouldn't have to read your mind to get to your thinly veiled point.

You say I can't prove my point, so I'll indulge you by referencing your FIRST POST.

The fans of the ]EE[ project want to get the story out there. Nintendo, instead of going after the creators of the Homebrew Channel, the Twilight Hack, or countless ROM distribution sites, chose to shut down a fanart project, one that took countless measures AGAINST piracy, attempting to do everything as by-the-book as a texture patch could have done.

In Nintendo's defense:

-- Hack required a Brawl .ISO, which could promote piracy.

-- Hack required HBC/Twilight hack/other homebrew, something Nintendo takes an active stance against.

-- Hack added textures of copyrighted characters, such as Megaman, Ridley, Fierce Deity Link, and more.

-- Patch could be considered a 'derivative work', which is protected under US copyright law.

Why You Should Be Upset:

-- There are way worse people to be going after than texture hackers.

-- This is in the same vein as the "Chrono Resurrection" C&D.

-- The ]EE[ people stated on their site (and others) their intentions (not to promote piracy, going as far as to actively ban users who talked about it, and to promote Nintendo games and products) and their wishes to be as by-the-book as possible.

-- Nintendo targeted the few people with good intentions instead of going after active (and advertised) pirates.

Let it be known that no one is suggesting that Nintendo was outside their legal authority... but legal authority is hardly a reason to target good people who put their love and hard work into such a project, as opposed to true pirates. Please help get the story out and help us voice our disappointment at Nintendo for targeting loyal and loving fans, as opposed to true pirates.

The underlined parts are hints.

EASY MODE: the bold is a dead giveaway.

Edit: oh you're such a victim


Yeah... Except I've said things since then. Again, your flagrant disregard for anything other than what helps your case is insufferable. At least when I've made mistakes in here, I've admitted to being imperfect. Why can't you just admit that you're grasping and move on, especially when I explicitly correct you? Oh, and you're sarcasm is SO amusing. Plus, I've edited the OP so that you aren't so emotionally scarred / because I admit to ambiguity and am not perfect. C WUT I DID THAR?

That's not true at all. These are texture hacks, not model hacks. We can make Charizard look like Ridley, but we can't actually have Ridley in Smash (yet). No one in their right mind who would actually go through the effort to get this patch would refrain from buying SSB4 because of texture hacks.

"Oh, I don't think I need this FF7 remake from Square; OCR has plenty of "One-Winged Angel" remixes already."

Sorry for getting back to an old argument, but I do not think you are making a good point;

Do you know a little about advertising and marketing ? People are influenced on a daily basis by this, and it is not in an obvious conscious way like you are referring. People don't say: "Hey I've seen people play Game X on TV and now I want to play it too !" consciously, but the fact is that they do, otherwise nobody would advertise anything.

Similarly, if you make it a possibility to play as a Ridley-skinned Charizard, you are minimizing their marketing impact. Even though the character is still Charizard and only the texture changed, the impact of Nintendo announcing : "You can play as all-new character Ridley" will be minimized because people have already been playing with a Ridley skin for a while.

I do not think the main reason Nintendo shut them down is because they were advocating piracy, but more because they thought they could lose marketing impact with their texture mod.

But yeah, it would seem there are many lawyers here :)

Yeah... Except I've said things since then.

I don't care.

Again, your flagrant disregard for anything other than what helps your case is insufferable.

I wouldn't be exhibiting flagrant disregard for all the other stuff you've said if they didn't reinforce my point to the far end of redundancy and back.

Also, find a new word.

At least when I've made mistakes in here, I've admitted to being imperfect. Why can't you just admit that you're grasping and move on, especially when I explicitly correct you?

Everyone falls back on the "I'm not perfect" line when their argument runs out of steam; that's not a point to your credit. Further, you haven't explicitly corrected me on anything. You tried to tell me that I couldn't find proof for my assertion "anywhere in this thread" but then I went and did. Then you try to wiggle out by calling foul, despite the fact that I did exactly what you said I couldn't, and I called you on it.

Oh, and you're sarcasm is SO amusing.

Addressing me instead of my argument. Logical fallacy +1

Plus, I've edited the OP so that you aren't so emotionally scarred / because I admit to ambiguity and am not perfect. C WUT I DID THAR?

BACKPEDAL BACKPEDAL. At least be gracious when admitting someone's right. Also, resorting to insults again. Logical fallacy +1

Look, I can tell that you're the kind of guy who just can't leave an argument alone, and you've always got to have the last word. So take your time with the rebuttal and I'll see to it after I go to dinner and a movie with a lady (provided the thread hasn't been locked by then. I won't complain).


@ The Coop: Sometimes a tune up is good every now and then, eh? :P

@ PriZm: Potentialities are always there, though. OCR's release of *insert mix here* could interfere with the possible release of *Company here*'s OST album on iTunes. We could theoretically do this all day.

@ Fenrir: Whatever. Go ahead and do what you want. You're arguments aren't even on topic, so I'm done with you now. Have fun at your movie. :)

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