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So I'd love to record my roommate's electric guitar, and I can easily plug it into the Apogee Duet to do so. However, there are two problems:

1. How do you enable real-time playback of the guitar processing through the effects, so that you can hear what you're playing? I wasn't able to get this to work in Garageband, at any rate. And I don't want to do anything annoying like route the signal through an amp... that's just annoying and unwieldy for a portable setup, plus it doesn't account for whatever I may be overlaying in the DAW.

2. Can some programs do it and others not? Apparently

can do it. Is it something that has to be enabled depending on the program?

Some can probably do it, while some can't. In FL you can choose to run inputs into a mixer channel and through recording and dsp, you could even record before DSP and after DSP. Or you could route it out to multiple outs and switch between different FX chains. All I know is FL though.


Is it possible to record the clean audio (so you can mess with it afterwards), but also layer effects onto the live input (so the guitarist can play around and see what sounds good)?

Anyone know about Logic? Or how to enable it Live?


Also, if Garageband handles recording like Logic does (which I'm pretty sure it does) then the recording will be clean (assuming there is no processing prior to the Duet) and all effects on the track processed in real time.

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