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I'll grant that there are less than savory characters playing GE:S right now, in that some of them are jerks. Not much can be done there, but that Mute Players function *does* come in handy sometimes.

After a second night of playing, my opinion remains solid that the mod is worth it. Garian and I played some License to Kill tonight and that was good fun, particularly the round of redundancy where the random weapon setting handed everyone Golden PP7s for the default weapon. Hilarity ensued.

Still looking for more people to give it a try.


it was pretty cool, although i don't really think that license to kill really translates well to a mouselook game... when there are more than just a few people on it tends to get frustrating because the guys with higher scores tend to wander around the map anticipating spawns. definitely want to play some with other guys though ! :S


Tried the game for an hour or so yesterday and it was pretty fun. Once it got past about 10 players in the server, it got pretty stupid, cause half the people had guns and the other half were slapping their way to a failure. Plus there was the issue where when two people spawned in the same spot, one of them committed auto suicide (happened to me a bit). Then I went to a server of only two or three other people in on Egypt, and I kept running around and finding no one a lot of the time.

I've only tried deathmatch so far. Also... camping the armor is kinda cheap. Until you run out of ammo...


For a beta I think it's pretty solid. There are some issues, like the auto-suicide spawn point thing, and like it was mentioned up there the movement is kinda sticky at points (especially in vents and things). But overall, it's pretty neato and I'm liking it. I am very happy the control is a map.

Also one other thing I'm not a fan of is how it seems like sound effects stop right when you die? Maybe that's just my computer, but when you can't hear the bullets that shot you or the mine that blew you up it's pretty disconcerting, for me at least. It always feels like "oh well hey I died I guess"?

Overall, though, pretty great.


Yeah, the biggest issues people are mentioning as annoyances occur when servers (unintentionally) mismatch the amount of players with certain maps, or the option to start with a weapon is not selected. 20+ players on complex (auto-suicide spawns) is just insane and reflects badly on the mod, especially when people assume that's how the gameplay is throughout the game. Same with 3-5 players on some of the larger maps when it takes a while to find someone.

We will soon be releasing a patch that addresses many of the issues people have noted that we have control over. A few of the fixes are allowing servers to select from a random weapon set rather than just random weapons, and also fixing the issues with the better guns coming at spawn in the lvl1 spots. We're also recommending settings for servers to use.

The sound effects and voices dropping out thing at death is a Source issue as I understand it. Our programmer explains it somewhere on the GE forums.

Overall, though, when you have a good balance of players and weapon set, it's great fun.

EDIT: Thanks Larry, appreciate it.


Really, my biggest problem with the mod is the people who play it rather than the mod itself. There are some issues and bugs with the mod that the Dev Team's already aware of, but then you get the asses that camp spawns (especially on LtK mode) and then those who attempt to camp the body armor. Unfortunately, camping is something that cannot be meted out of GoldenEye very easily, so it's something you just have to deal with. This is why I want OCR people playing: we get players who are there to have fun, and generally won't be a cheap jerk over something. Playing with friends is always best.

Mod issues that I would work on? Specifically, more spawn points for Complex. Other stages aren't quite so bad about it. Weapon sets is a good plan, as well. I wonder, is there a way you can make a set that randomizes weapons within a certain set of criteria? Like, make your starting weapon a random pistol (PP7, DD44, Silenced PP7, Silver PP7, Cougar Magnum), and then randomize the rest of the weapons on the stage? I think that'd be pretty cool. More stages is a good plan. I know Audix mentioned Bunker and another are next in the pipes. I'd like to see stages based on Depot, Dam, and Surface.

Oh, and props to whoever on the DevTeam came up with ge_Citadel. That was a pretty cool map. Also, I loved the aesthetic in Egyptian. You guys really out-did yourselves for that stage. Great detail and variety in light and dark there.

EDIT: To avoid double-posting, I want to say I really like Audix's "Rocking the Cradle" mix for ge_Cradle. Props, man. Probably my favorite track in the OST.


I've given the OST a good listen for the past three days now. Surprisingly good to work out to.

Basstronix's "Silo" and "Runway" are some easy favs, but "Rocking the Cradle" me made me (drop whipped) cream (from my latte all over) my pants.


Really glad you guys are enjoying the OST (and game). The patch will be released in about a week, really tightening up the gameplay and making a fun mod even more enjoyable to play.

Also, there are some awesome maps in development right now. Can't say much more than that, but it's only going to get better from here. :)


Does the new patch tweak some of the hit-box issues we seem to run into? I ran into a rather ridiculous issue where I was about three yards away from a target with an autoshotgun with my foe in a corner and it took six rounds to kill him. There's no logical explanation of how I should've missed considering I was really close, using the targeting reticle, and using a bloody shotgun.

For some reason, shotgun hit-detection seems pretty crappy for me. Other people seem to shoot it fine. I know I'm not great at the game, but when stuff like the above happens on a semi-regular (though less extreme) basis, it tends to be a bit of frustration.

Either way, I'm looking forward to the patch. Other than the shotgun thing lately, I've still been having a blast. :D

Does the new patch tweak some of the hit-box issues we seem to run into? I ran into a rather ridiculous issue where I was about three yards away from a target with an autoshotgun with my foe in a corner and it took six rounds to kill him. There's no logical explanation of how I should've missed considering I was really close, using the targeting reticle, and using a bloody shotgun.

For some reason, shotgun hit-detection seems pretty crappy for me. Other people seem to shoot it fine. I know I'm not great at the game, but when stuff like the above happens on a semi-regular (though less extreme) basis, it tends to be a bit of frustration.

Either way, I'm looking forward to the patch. Other than the shotgun thing lately, I've still been having a blast. :D

Was it immediately after a spawn? Like the original game, there is about a 2 second delay before you can take damage. Also like the original game, after you take damage, there is another small delay before you can take more. It's much better to shoot in spurts than just emptying a clip into someone.


No, it wasn't right after a spawn. I had been pursuing him into a corner and I know I injured him prior to him being trapped in a corner, and I'm quite confident he didn't have any body armor. And I think even if it was a spawn issue, you can't fire GE:S's Autoshotgun six times in two or three seconds. And I've been one or two shot with the Autoshotgun at that close range, which really dumbfounded me about the issue.

I haven't had an issue as egregious as that since, but I've noticed that the shotguns are just unnaturally hard to hit with even at close range for me so I end up just staying away from using them if I have an alternative. *Shrugs*


I had massive trouble downloading this, since filefront would disconnect me all the time and forced me to start over downloading the huge 500MB chunk. Once I got it all installed and working though:

Wow, nice job with the level design and everything. I think the weapons are too different from the ones in the original though, especially the sounds. I didn't enjoy multiplayer much, and really hope to see some single player action in future releases.

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