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Hiya. Just wanted to submit my first remix to OCremix (more in store)

contact information:

Remixer name: Meesh

Real name: Michel de Brisis

User number: 26400

Remix information:

Game: Shadowgate (NES version)

Sadly, I have not been able to procure any information on the name of the specific track or the composer.

Link to remix: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/143177/Meesh%20-%20Shadowgate.mp3


The original track captured me immediately the first time I heard it. The simple lead line just popped out. Although I was much younger at that time, and wasn't really aspiring to be a remixer at that time, it has stuck with me all these years. The shuffle groove just seemed natural, and the addition of a standing/upright bass seemed to really go with the funky drums. I also tried mimicking the two main oscillators from the NES version, but still add a bit of a newer edge to the synth sounds. I hope you like the track as much as I do, and that everything is in accordance with the submission guidelines.

Michel de Brisis


http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14595 - Track 11

Definitely a really cool feel here. The groove bias is potentially strong with this one, but I felt the core beat pattern & bassline offering more variation would have helped this. The textures could have been a bit fuller as well, but that wasn't a huge deal.

At 2:32, once the melody was basically being treated the same way yet again, I had to call for more development here. The arrangement ideas are cool, and I'm down with the laid back vibe, but there was ultimately too much repetition once the core arrangement ideas and patterns were established. Work on this a little further to provide some more variation and keep the track fresh for the entire 3 1/2 mins. Solid base, Michel! In my opinion, this is close.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

The drums could definitely have been improved upon with some more switch-ups than you had, but I thought this was very solid work otherwise. I love the solo-ish chiptune thing happening at 2:11. There lots of ear candy and little details going on, such that it's hard to notice the drums are static unless you focus on them. There were a couple well-placed breaks to liven it up anyhow. And let's face it, the beat is great.

I feel comfortable passing this, though I think you gone have gone an extra mile with it. Good stuff.


  • 1 month later...

A lot of sounds from the Reason Factory Soundbank, but those are good so I can't blame you. Groove is infectious but repetitive, arrangement ideas also clever but repetitive. The instruments sounds a bit tacked together, a tiny bit of the same reverb and some variation in the presets would glue parts together more.

Just a little more polish and I can pass it, this is a solid base!


[22:44] BGC: i mean, it's got some cool ideas, but the drums are booooring

[22:45] BGC: and by drums, i mean THAT ONE LOOP it's been repeating forever

[22:45] BGC: oh, holy shit, it just went to a different loop

[22:45] BGC: oh, nevermind, that was quick. it's back to the first one

[22:45] Liontamer: ha

[22:45] Liontamer: yeah

[22:45] Liontamer: gimme some mo

[22:45] BGC: the solo is cool

[22:45] Palpable: think I was the only one who YESed that one, right

[22:46] BGC: lots of little blippy cool stuff, but all in all

[22:46] Palpable: maybe I'm holding the panel back

[22:46] BGC: he's GOT to do something with these drums for me to be coo wit dis

[22:46] BGC: i mean, any noob can throw a single drum loop (and bass loop for 70% of the track) down and just do melody stufff

[22:46] BGC: but really, that's pretty weaksauce in the grand scheme of things

[22:47] BGC: even for a groove track

[22:47] BGC: i require more than that personally

[22:47] BGC: not saying this dude is a total noob by any means

[22:47] BGC: just lazy :)

[22:48] BGC: if only the drums evolved just a LITTLE bit, that'd probably be enough to shove me into the borderline YES territory

Yep, pretty cool ideas, but again, even for a groove track, you need to bring more than a 1 bar drum loop to the table. All the melodic stuff is pretty cool, no beef with that. The mood and vibe of the track are groovy otherwise, but don't take 4 beats and put it on cruise control.


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