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Hi, sorry to make my first topic in the forum a crappy newbie begging topic.

Anyway, my story, briefly: I know my way around instruments and composition, though not recording, and digital music is completely foreign to me. Due to circumstances, though, I no longer have access to my instruments and to keep myself sane have taken up digital music.

I downloaded the FL demo, and even having just a few days to fiddle around with it, I can compose a mediocre piece, though not even remotely what I'd like. I'm happy to continue to teach myself, but there's one thing I would like help with: I'd like to use an 80s drumbeat (more Sisters of Mercy than Duran Duran).

My usual method is to start pushing buttons at random until I find out what everything does, then just keep at it until I get good at it. Shockingly it usually works, but it's failing me this time. I will not be happy until my drums sound like they're being played in an abandoned warehouse, and this is where I need help. Can someone link me to a sound-set download, point me towards a tutorial, explain what I'm doing wrong, something? As I'm completely new at this, you may need to use small words.

Or, of course, if this type of topic is discouraged, throw shoes at me.


Got no idea what kind of drum sound you want other than what I could get form your description, but if it's big empty room sound you want, apply reverb, a lot of it. Lots of 80s music had a lot of reverb especially on their snares.

btw, this kind of topic would probably do better here, and will probably be moved there anyway.,


By played in a warehouse, you mean lots and lots of reverb?

Well, what you need to do is get some reverb on your drum Chanel, and to do that you need to bring up the mixer [F9] and link the Chanel to a track on the mixer. (Right click > Link selected channels... > To this track) You can link more than one chanel to a track, so make sure you don't accidentally link more than one.

From there you just click in the effect slots(all the way to the right of the mixer) and choose a reverb effect. Fruity Reverb 2 is my favorite, unless you have a VST plugin you prefer or something.(If you don't know what VST is, it's okay, but you might want to find out ;D )

Hope that helps. =3


Thanks a bunch. I actually already figured out a way to get the sound, in almost the same way, except since it's only certain channels that need the reverb to get the type of sound I'm going for, I realised I can use the individual snare/kick/hat channels from the Sytrus generator instead of using a single channel for the whole drumloop, and then modify the sound from there.

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