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I have Quantum Leap RA and I have sfz

guess which one works faster


I don't get it, soundfonts were fine back in 2003, why is it so hard to load them now? I get all sorts of errors with sfz in renoise, which is probably the most stable VST host out there.

What kinds of errors? I've only had rare problems with crashing (just about as rare as any other plugin) and stuff loads really quickly in SONAR 6. Top that off with the fact that sfz sounds better and has more options under the hood than just about anything else out there and it's been a winner for me!

GUI sucks though. Even the screenshots of sfz+ don't really inspire me to buy it.

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Eh yeah some instruments don't get as much articulation as the others, but it's a miracle those instruments got any attention at ALL :P

What a surprise! :roll:

Seriously I'll never be able to understand this kind of recklessness coming from a bunch of smart people that expect me to pay 800$ for some unfinished product.

Top that off with the fact that sfz sounds better and has more options under the hood than just about anything else out there and it's been a winner for me!

GUI sucks though. Even the screenshots of sfz+ don't really inspire me to buy it.

You seem very knowledgeable when it comes to Sound Font technology.

I've already seen the potential, but as you mentioned, the GUI issue makes it tedious to approach head on.

It reminds me when I was only using Wave samples, and had gigas of data to pick from...

But it always took so long to find the right sound, that I would inevitably end forgeting my idea.

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You seem very knowledgeable when it comes to Sound Font technology. I've already seen the potential, but as you mentioned, the GUI issue makes it tedious to approach head on.
Well, since soundfonts have been around for a while and people seem to like them, there are a more than a few programs that will load them with a better interface than SFZ. Back when I had a Sound Blaster and SONAR 2, Megafont (possibly the most amazingly useful software of its day imo) made categorizing, loading, and searching your soundfont collection faster than getting the sounds out of any VST I've ever seen. But alas, Megafont's time has passed.

In anycase, SFZ sacrifices GUI frills for lots of power and sound quality, but that shouldn't be a turn off. If you want to modify attack, cutoff, reverb, etc with SFZ, you just need a list of the controller numbers and you should be able to automate the parameters in your sequencer. As far as editing soundfonts offline, you can do just about everything you need with viena which has a pretty good GUI.

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Ah ha, so the prophet reveals your true problem SOC.

In anycase, if your soundfont is decently sampled then it won't use a lot of resampling which means that the quality setting becomes less and less important. In fact, for most of my soundfonts, even the smaller ones, I barely hear a difference between 'draft' and '72' quality. So it's a little strange to me that your soundfonts degrade to 'poo-quality' at the draft setting. Are you sure they didn't start out that way :P

For an older computer, I'd stick to using PR16 mode. That way you use less RAM and have faster load times at the cost of 1) a delay whenever you change patches and 2) samples are played back at 16bit instead of 32bit (SF are restricted to 16bit so who cares?). And if you really want the best of the best quality, you can always just run everything as draft while creating and then up everything to the highest settings for rendering.

Plus, I think the P4 is the oldest Intel chip that supports the default SF32 setting. So if you actually do have a P3, that might be the problem right there.

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that's what you get with a pentium 3 computer

I'm actually barely even feeling any limitations with this 3.2 GHz P4 I got... and it's been 5 years already with this PC. Of course I upgraded it here and there >_>

So it's a little strange to me that your soundfonts degrade to 'poo-quality' at the draft setting.

Are we talking about the same VSTi? I don't have "draft" on mine. Actually, looking at Luke's, it's missing a lot of stuff mine has. Like really bad jokes.


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Are we talking about the same VSTi? I don't have "draft" on mine. Actually, looking at Luke's, it's missing a lot of stuff mine has. Like really bad jokes.


That's an interesting sfz you've got there. That P3 must be causing comedy-related GUI problems as well.

But hopefully you're not trying to run it on dfd. That'll slow you down for sure on an older pc.

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well, considering that the p4 is technically two (or three, depending on how you look at celeron and DC cpu technology) generations old, YEAH, YOU'RE BEHIND. besides, that was from the age where you could get a 3.2ghz cpu with a 533mhz fsb. aka, severe throttling. i bought a 3.2ghz p4 a while back for sixty bucks, and it was unused.


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