djpretzel Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 Definitely a concept piece, but does sound authentic at least. Certainly different.... -djp hey DJP. i have remix for you. its an 'old style' remix. well, as 'old style' as i know how to be, that is. its the bubble bobble theme, as you probably gathered from the subject...well, its done up to sound like its being played on an old caliope or someting, recorded on one of those old cylinders. it reminds me of an ice cream truck, and i thought the giant popsicle reference was a nice tie-in. i hope my geocities account has enought bandwidth left for the download... or, if that doesn't work, go here and do the right-click-and-save dance ; its the only song there... thanks for having a site that is great. ¤_¤ actionBob™
Digital Coma Posted November 5, 2003 Posted November 5, 2003 Nice saloon sound! This would fit in Silver Diner's jukeboxes just fine, if its patrons weren't so busy playing 'In the Jungle' all the damn time. Unfortunately, the novelty wore off soon after I realized the original melody is transcribed nearly verbatim. Not exactly a rearrangement, especially when you've dealt with a song we all know by heart. I'd love to hear one with this concept. NO
Protricity Posted November 5, 2003 Posted November 5, 2003 Yanni is correct. This is exact with the original except in that its slowed down and in swing time. There isn't anything besides that one instrument playing and cruddy percussion. I know the concept is supposed to sound old-radio, but this site is about going forwards, not backwards. NO
m68030 Posted November 14, 2003 Posted November 14, 2003 I think we can let a concept piece or two slip in every now and then. Come on, you can't deny the overwhelming cuteness of this track. F*ck it, I say YES.
analoq Posted November 27, 2003 Posted November 27, 2003 80kbps? mp3 artifacts do not aid in making this sound authentic.. like cotmm said, this track is very cute. it's the kind of remix i'd like to take home to my mother. great concept, but it should still be an enjoyable musical experience. the repitition is just annoying. it's probably purposeful, but take what i said about it should be enjoyable still. good idea, but there could be more done here. like incorporate more musical ideas from that time peroid... that would make this more fun. no
Malcos Posted December 1, 2003 Posted December 1, 2003 This might fit in well with some sort of video or something, but as a standalone piece it doesn't work too well. After the initial novelty wears off (rather quickly), there is nothing great about the song itself, and one gets very bored towards the end. More should be put into the song itself rather than just relying solely on the 'old style' sound. NO
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