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EDIT: In an strange twist of events ala six degrees, I managed to stumble across RazorOutlaw's myspace page after following links from the director of "Nevermore." I was reading some posts made by this presumed "Josh" and thinking to myself, "Wow, this guy is pretty sharp. I wonder who he is?" Then, I see that's it him. That explained it all.[/non sequitur]

Anyway, I hope you come out okay after dealing with the reprocussions of Personal Victory Day, Razor.

So, let me get this really strange twist of events straight. You saw the link to his myspace profile, then in his profile you saw that he was part of the group "Silent Hill", finally you were browsing that group's lil forum and saw some of my posts there.

That's the path I took to my profile, and I presume you did too. Until I followed that train of incidents, I just sat here in silence, listening to the wheels turn in my head and thinking "How in the hell was my profile found? That's a chance in a million I bet." To stroke my ego a little more (you did just say I was sharp, which is a big compliment coming from you) what posts were you referring to exactly in the Silent Hill group? I've posted a few times since then, but I couldn't think of many that stood out as being good examples of the discussions I've been in there.

I'll have to give you back those respect points, however, because I did not actually assault anybody in the store. I used personal experience (sans the fist to face) to embellish a story which was done in the style of www.girlsarepretty.com

At my store, irrationality and nitpicking rule the day. At the same time, an ounce of itelligence is worth a lot especially when the ridicule does start. :/

The poster contest finalists have been put up for voting.


I don't really think any of them are very good. The last one especially looks too much like a communist propaganda poster. They're all very uncreative, in my opinion.

I voted for #1 in any case. I might vote for #3 tomorrow. Can't decide which one I like better.

Disappointing...they really aren't that great. And #5...wtf? Crap imo.

Might as well hop on the band wagon for #1.


So, apparently I've been living in my own little bubble world since I only discovered last night that there's a Silent Hill movie coming out soon.

High Definition Silent Hill Trailer

It was only yesterday morning that I started a thread talking about how I wasn't sure that a Metroid movie could make a good film. Here, however, I find myself on the completely opposite side of the fence. Despite what I know of video-game-to-movie translations, I want to believe Silent Hill will be good. Unlike Metroid, its plot is more suited for a motion picture without having to sacrifice key elements what makes it great.

I won't lie, I got more excited watching the Silent Hill trailer than I've gotten watching a trailer in a long time. I wait in eager anticipation of April.


i agree. even when ive watched TRAILERS of other game-to-movie conversions, i was always finding myself feeling that something is lacking.

however, i think they mightve hit gold with silent hill. the best thing about it is that its all about the town, and not necessarily one involved plotline. if you dont believe me, play the second one. that is an awesome game that had a story of its own, just in silent hill. so the fact that they can change and introduce new characters isnt such a bad thing, especially considering they seem to have the "feel" of the game down so right. i mean, did you see pyramid head and those melting walls and the nurses? those are some pretty fucked up monsters by conventional standards, and they still had the balls to not "movie up" their enemy characters to make them suit a broader audience.

anyway, im pretty excited to see this movie too. lets just see if my hopes live up to the end result.


Well....it's been on some other Silent Hill forums and IMDb for a few days now, but figured I'd post it here simply because it is extremely cool :)

Some French magazine managed to get a picture of Pyramid Head from the movie, and the picture I assume was taken from a movie clip shown at Wondercon '06, where Pyramid Head grabs some woman outside a church and rips her skin off. Fun for the whole family!

Anyway, here's the picture :)



Definitely an interesting twist, but as someone who liked PH because of his brawnyness I am a bit miffed that they made him thinner looking.

Other than that the costume design is interesting as hell (although I have a slight quibble with the grating on the sides of his head, even then it's pretty A+)

Definitely an interesting twist, but as someone who liked PH because of his brawnyness I am a bit miffed that they made him thinner looking.

Other than that the costume design is interesting as hell (although I have a slight quibble with the grating on the sides of his head, even then it's pretty A+)

I think the change is great. He has a more sinister, sinuous look because he's so thin; it really makes him that much more creepy.

Although I'm with you on the grates. It doesn't detract too much from his overall look, though.


Actually, try looking up some of the concept art for PH, or some of the artwork done for him, you'll see that he actually is pretty scrawny.

At least that's what I thought when I had a look;


Small picture yes, and his arms do have muscles, but they are still very thin.

About the grating on his head, it does have a more industrial look to it, and it makes sense since Silent Hill 1 felt so much more industrial than SH2 did, right? Also it'd make sense so that the actor playing PH (That IS a costume) would be able to see.


Warning - Silent Hill: Dying Inside Spoilers

Actually, try looking up some of the concept art for PH, or some of the artwork done for him, you'll see that he actually is pretty scrawny.

At least that's what I thought when I had a look;


Small picture yes, and his arms do have muscles, but they are still very thin.

About the grating on his head, it does have a more industrial look to it, and it makes sense since Silent Hill 1 felt so much more industrial than SH2 did, right? Also it'd make sense so that the actor playing PH (That IS a costume) would be able to see.

Oh, man! I completely forgot to update the thread this past Friday. I was going to make a post about the recent Wondercon event held in San Fransico where the Silent Hill film got a special presentation, featuring a performance of the Red Pyramid Thing and special appearance by Deborah Kerr Unger, who held a brief Q&A session about her work in the upcoming film. I was all set to get you guys pumped up but I completely forgot about it.

Well, maybe I can justify my absense by informing you guys about a recent update on the No Escape website. It's official, I've confirmed that I will be creating the official film guide for Silent Hill: No Escape which will be featured as a Bonus Feature for the release of the DVD. I'm not going to say very much about it right now, but I can assure you that it will not disappoint you guys. So, keep your eyes peeled for the update on the official fan site.

Let's see, what else has been going in the Silent Hill communities recently? Briefly, new film stills have been added to www.welcometosilenthill.com which can be downloaded from Silent Hill Fever. Electronic Gaming Monthly's latest magazine issue is featuring an interview with both Akira Yamaoka and Christophe Gans, which is on newsstands already. Hot Topic has released their first merchandise to promote the film, a Robbie T-shirt. A relatively new fan project has released a demo of an adaptation of Silent Hill for an SNES-style game called Heinsen Hill (www.heinsenhill.de.vu). The poster contest ends Friday, so make sure to keep voting every day for your poster pick. (I think #3 works best to use for appearing in theaters; enough to peak people's interest and inform them that this is a horror film, without being too cheesey or vague.) And lastly, Silent Hill: Dead Alive will be releasing Issue #3 pretty soon. Issues #1 and #2 have already hit stores with 5 variant covers for Issue #1 and two for #2.

For those who have forgotten, Silent Hill: Dead Alive is the second series of comics to be released by IDW Publishing. The new series is a direct sequel to Silent Hill: Dying Inside as it begins a short time after Issue #5. Lauryn has regained control of power in Silent Hill and has revived the ghost-town to her liking, which angers Christabella who is forced to see out her existance as the little sister Lauryn once had. Until, one day when Christabella wakes up to find everything returned to the way it was before. But, this time, her body has reverted to its mortal form. This series still sucks and Ceincin's language hasn't cleaned up since the first series, but if you really care, the series is supposed to take place during the seven-year period between the fire and the events of the first game, which only serves to further diminish the games as it would seem that the comics make references to things that have yet to happen in the timeline. Also, apparently all the comics are connected to the SH:DI storyline, making things make even less sense.

Anyway, avoid the SH comics for now and make sure to keep your eyes open for lots of updates from various sources about all things Silent Hill. Hmm... I'm wondering if I should do another Silent Hill Remixes post.

Well....it's been on some other Silent Hill forums and IMDb for a few days now, but figured I'd post it here simply because it is extremely cool :)

Some French magazine managed to get a picture of Pyramid Head from the movie, and the picture I assume was taken from a movie clip shown at Wondercon '06, where Pyramid Head grabs some woman outside a church and rips her skin off. Fun for the whole family!

Anyway, here's the picture :)


8O Oh god...

I think Pyramid Head may once more haunt my dreams.


In going with Ifrit's post mentioning interviews GameTrailers has a...well...trailer for the Silent Hill Experience on the PSP. While it includes some interesting, albeit slightly neligible, features, it also has a snippet of an interview with Gans and Yamaoka.

At any rate, it's a scrap of information (Gans opinion on the movie, I think, while Akira just sits there looking bored). I just thought I might point out that there's a trailer for Silent Hill Experience anyway. I had no idea there was one


Good luck writing the guide to No Escape, Ifirit. I'm sure you'll do a good job, following in the trail blazed by PresidentEvil.


Sorry about the mispelling.

In going with Ifrit's post mentioning interviews GameTrailers has a...well...trailer for the Silent Hill Experience on the PSP. While it includes some interesting, albeit slightly neligible, features, it also has a snippet of an interview with Gans and Yamaoka.

At any rate, it's a scrap of information (Gans opinion on the movie, I think, while Akira just sits there looking bored). I just thought I might point out that there's a trailer for Silent Hill Experience anyway. I had no idea there was one


Good luck writing the guide to No Escape, Ifrit. I'm sure you'll do a good job, following in the trail blazed by PresidentEvil.

The expression on Yamaoka's face made me laugh.
Good luck writing the guide to No Escape, Ifirit. I'm sure you'll do a good job, following in the trail blazed by PresidentEvil.

PresidentEvil won't know what hit him, since this guide isn't going to be you're standard collection of ideas presented in text form alone. They'll be a few surprises along the way. Right now the working title is "Sairento Hiro: Hi Esuke^pu Pa^fekuto Guide." Just to give you a clue about what it is.

P.S. If you want to, you can download the promotional videos for The Silent Hill Experience here.


BIG Congrats on your doing the film guide for SH: No Escape, glad to hear you'll be flexing those theoretical muscles in a DVD bonus thingie :)

Speaking of a DVD, this was the first I'd even heard of it...May have to get a copy of this thing someday, hehe. Great all around news :)

As for another post on Silent Hill Remixes ifirit (YES, I fixed it! Nyah!), I would keep my eye on Tranceaddict, the guy there (Carl B) who did a remix of Room of Angel I'd posted several pages back is contemplating doing another version of that song. At least that's what my friend's been telling me, who frequents that forum. I'll keep an eye on it and post whatever he puts up, if anything at all.

As for another post on Silent Hill Remixes ifirit, I would keep my eye on Tranceaddict, the guy there (Carl B) who did a remix of Room of Angel I'd posted several pages back is contemplating doing another version of that song. At least that's what my friend's been telling me, who frequents that forum. I'll keep an eye on it and post whatever he puts up, if anything at all.


He mispelled it even after ifirit corrected RazorOutlaw. That's rich!


So, I was mulling a bit over what has happened in the Silent Hill series.

Here are some thoughs (highlight to read):

It's been concluded before that the events in SH1 led to the strengthening/release of the town's dark power. Following this theory, the releasing of power lead to SH2, where James was called back to that town.

This also explained Silent Hill 3, where Heather encountered alternate renditions of her world. By extension, the whole Walter Sullivan fiasco was a result of the town too because the town gave him the power to extend his reach beyond Silent Hill's borders.

Is this correct or are we simply assuming too much? I mean, Walter was an ordinary killer (albeit a good one for the number of his victims). He had no supernatural powers on his own. There's no real reason for him to come back from the dead in the form of a dream-ghost, and the town's dark influence actually extending to other areas seems to be the most logical conclusion.

Heather, on the other hand, carried a demon fetus. She had a direct tie to Silent Hill there, so who is to say that it wasn't the fetus's dark power that made her see things? Or, what if Claudia somehow influenced Heather's perception?

Finally, James had some serious memories attatched to Silent Hill so you could say that in his delusionment and depression that he felt drawn to Silent Hill and that it wasn't necessarily the town that had a hand in pulling him in. The fact that he came back to the town doesn't necessarily mean that the town had any dark influence over him.

But as a counterpoint, Eddie and Angela were pulled in to Silent Hill as well, seemingly without any previous experience there.

I couldn't help but ponder these things.

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