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I was just wondering if any of the others of the OCR community have played this fascinating game. The plot, while a BIT arcane, hasn't been as hard to understand as I'd thought it would be, the gameplay has been much more puzzle and exploration oriented than combative, and the atmosphere, imagery, and setting are strokes of genius that I as a horror writer am jealous as hell of.

I just wanted to know opinions on it etc by my fellows here at OCR, and sought to perhaps start a minor discussion of it. I know it's an old game, but I had a heck of a hunt to find it and am only now playing it. :P


Unless it has the phrase "Jill sandwich", I do not play survival horror games.

Hitting the mannequin-looking things with a huge stick was cool, though.


I dominate silent hill 1.

Ive gotten pretty much EVERY move/book/whatever reference in the game, know the plot inside out and have some crackpot theories of my own.

How can I help?


Yes, with regards to the pipe....dont use it.

Youre better off using your handgun/shotgun until you get a decent melee weapon IE-The Katana (in the beta version of silent hill so you dont fly about the room whenever you swing it) or the Sledgehammer (in alchemilla's basement).

I advise against using the secret melee weapons (Chainsaw and Jackhammer) because they have zero range and for what they do you may as well look evilly as your opponent)

The pipe really isnt the best thing, even in the school when you have those bulky bear things to deal with (or the slippy schoolkids...depends which version youre playing. Stupid fucking PAL edition ¬_¬)


Eh, the pipe was actually a pretty good melee weapon, for me at least. That's what I used most often when I wasn't going up against a boss.

But I could also wield Pyramid Head's knife pretty well too, so I guess I'm just good with melee weapons.


The key to pipe-smashing appears to be timing. And I can't help but use it...I like blunt trauma weapons and I'm also somewhat of an ammo maniac, as in I conserve it like crazy. After a bit of practice, I've figured out the timing on base-ball batting Dogs and those bird demons, even...

The kitchen knife is utterly useless, no?

Anyhow, anyone else wonder what the hell that red liquid you find in Alchemia is? And why it does what it does (trying to avoid spoilers...)?


i use the pipe too. very usefull. want a golden pipe for christmas? just ask the fairy :lol: . i'am just like you, storing ammo and using the melee weapon as often as possible. it's just "timing" to hit thing . i like playing in the dark in my room so i don't need this lamp to wonder around the city.

i like the plot very fascinating. i read recently the silent hill plot (for the 3 games) at game faqs. impressive.

a map, a pipe and a radio the 3 items to begin your travel.....

Eh, the pipe was actually a pretty good melee weapon, for me at least. That's what I used most often when I wasn't going up against a boss.

But I could also wield Pyramid Head's knife pretty well too, so I guess I'm just good with melee weapons.

Well Im talking about silent hill 1...in which the melee weapons were pretty crap, to be honest.

Save for the sledgehammer, I didnt use them...I stuck to mainly the shotgun and the rifle (Cause Im a cheat and had bullet adjust 6 on :P)

Oh, I need no help with the plot. Though any tips on hitting things with my nifty pipe until they stop moving would be appreciated... :P

What do you think the plot is for SH1? A lot of people have varying ideas on the plot and ending analysis.

Personally, I think there are some conflicting ideas between the first and third game. At least, from what I thought the plots were. But this contridiction leaves room for more SH sequels.

P.S. By the way, have you tried any of the Silent Hill Forums. I like Central Silent Hill. Very well organized.


How could I forget that I'm making my own with some friends (its going towards their graphics and media projects, so it needs to be as heart-attack-inducing as possible.

And I got a bunch of theories about SH1, yeah...I just specialise in getting all the outside references and such

How could I forget that I'm making my own with some friends (its going towards their graphics and media projects, so it needs to be as heart-attack-inducing as possible.

How's that going anyway? It's been almost a year since you started it. Ctomm still helping with the soundtrack? Any updates?

How could I forget that I'm making my own with some friends (its going towards their graphics and media projects, so it needs to be as heart-attack-inducing as possible.

How's that going anyway? It's been almost a year since you started it. Ctomm still helping with the soundtrack? Any updates?

Zero updates so far...

We'll also need voice actors...children, older women and a couple older guys.

Its slowing really slow...which sucks ass.

We'll also need voice actors...children, older women and a couple older guys.

Its slowing really slow...which sucks ass.

So I take it that you've finished the script. Yes? No? I'd love to read it.

We'll also need voice actors...children, older women and a couple older guys.

Its slowing really slow...which sucks ass.

So I take it that you've finished the script. Yes? No? I'd love to read it.

Not as yet...Ill have it soon.


I love the silent hill games... and i have analyzed the connections between SH1 and 3, but i couldn't find any real contradictions... not that i recall anyways. what did you have in mind?

oh btw... i've only beaten SH2 once, when i rented it, but i'm getting the directors cut edition for christmas (finally) so i'll be able to analyze that aswell. because i have no idea how all the "freakyness" appeared in Silent Hill in that game. it was pretty clear in the other games, with Alessa and that religion and all... but in SH2... i'm perplexed.



Its request time.

Okay...I'll need all the videos from silent hill one and two (and...maybe three...if I can stand to look at them *shudder*). I need ALL of them...the opening, when harry wakes up in the diner, all the endings, EVERYTHING...

I'll also need some clips of in-game play...if anyone can help me with that then I'll be glad to help out.

Its for my AMV...which actually WILL do something unlike this game, which seems to have ground to a friggin halt

(If youre curious, the track is Papa Roach's 'Last Resort'. Ive gotten most of it planned out...now all I need to do is synch it together.)

Anyhow, anyone else wonder what the hell that red liquid you find in Alchemia is? And why it does what it does (trying to avoid spoilers...)?

You'll neeed it to save Cybil. That's all I'll tell you.

I played throught the first Silent Hill a couple times and I've gotten all the endings except for the alien ending. Am I the only person who always uses a gun? Anyway I have the second game for PC, but I haven't played it that much yet. I'm stuck on one of the puzzles.


Its request time.

Okay...I'll need all the videos from silent hill one and two (and...maybe three...if I can stand to look at them *shudder*). I need ALL of them...the opening, when harry wakes up in the diner, all the endings, EVERYTHING...

I'll also need some clips of in-game play...if anyone can help me with that then I'll be glad to help out.

Lucky for you, I found a site recently with every SH movie ever, including trailers and making of films. How ironic that I found it while visiting a Silent Hill forum. :roll:

Touch me and you die!

P.S. If you'd like just the audio files of every movie sequence, you can visit Dustfungus' site (Link Updated). Best audio quality yet. Please note that the SH3 files have not yet been loaded and the site is using the break to update everything, so some links will not work all the time. Just keep checking to find what you need.

EDIT: (9-10-2004)

Dustfungus' website on the Silent Hill Domain has gone down permanently due to webmaster difficulties. The files are no longer available for download, anywhere as his personal site has gone down as well (9-7-2004).

EDIT 2: (9-28-2005)

Dustfungus has brought Silent Hill Media back online. His new site has been linked to this post. Check it out for lots of new and old material.


ifrit...bear my children please.



Not saving.

If anyone can grab these suckers for me and send them over tomorrow or something (Im goin to bed soon) that'd me much appreciated


Sorry, but since the incident I've become barren. That man will pay dearly for what he did to me and my daughter. But tracking him down is not as easy as it seems.

Anyway, speaking of children, have you seen the SH2 chibi by KnickKnack? It's amusing, but I found it very humorous.

EDIT: Yeah, the connection speed is slow, but it works most of the time. Still, I have a few of the files already and I'll try to get some more if time allows.

Connection speed is not only slow, its non-existant for me.

(Oh yeah...I also need some good video editing software. Movie Maker just doesnt cut it)

I got Adobe Premiere yesterday actually (warez iso) and it's great for video editing! I could give it to youe. PM me about it.

Btw, I have all the Silent Hill games, and I know I can rip all the movies from SH1 since it's only PSX, but I can try to rip them from SH2 and 3 aswell... If you'd like. =) But... We're there any FMV's in SH3? The graphics we're too good for that.

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