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Personally, I enjoy the tangents. Helps make learning a much more relaxed and personal experience.

If you're the kind of person who gets lots of good grades and does extremely well in school, just remind yourself that grades aren't everything. If you're more of an average student, you're going to have to make sure you prioritize properly. I think the most important thing you can do in terms of free time and simply enjoying the college experience is not to bog yourself down your first semester. Take a light course load and don't sign up for everything that comes your way.

I overdid it when I first started college and that ruined it for me. You'll do much better in the long run if you pace yourself and make time for things you enjoy. (Just be sure not to ignore your studies because of all the fun you're having).

First: tangents. Tangents can be fine (like the one we're on) but when the entire lecture is a tangent, or even worse, the professor isn't there to lecture at all, or the professor decides that instead of lecturing he'll show us a video that's tangentially related to the subject (and there's still that test coming up next week so keep studying)... it's a waste of time!

And so far I've not found anything remotely intriguing at my college. So all there is for me is a good-sized course load and friends. Depends on the university i suppose.


Wow, this is really encouraging stuff to hear, really. Thanks to everyone who's shared their experiences and has been able to sympathize. I feel much less worried about keeping active in personal hobbies and in ones that I expect to discover at university. Just thinking a little bit on it now, moving the 'music station' shouldn't be difficult since it's just a keyboard and mouse haha. Again, big thanks!

Oh, and congratulations to the other '09ers out there! (so far known: Vagrance and MattInc)

this is just something interesting i noticed while perusing the memberlist a little while ago. as of right now, you're the youngest 'active' poster on these boards, robo. you graduated at 16 years of age? that's a real achievement. were you able to skip a year, or did you start early?

haha, oh boy there's a real story around this one. When I applied for the school which I would spend the next 11 years in, I had to take an entrance examination and do a bunch of interviews. I was applying for their Grade 2 class I believe. But for some odd reason, the admin put me through a Grade 3 process and consequently, I started school in Grade 3. I guess you could consider it unintentionally skipping a year :P In retrospect, I really wonder if I missed out in a lot skipping that year...guess it'll never be known.


You know what you want to major in. Trust me, that's a huge thing to be going in with. Of course, take some courses which sound interesting so you can leave yourself open to the idea of switching... with something like this, it probably pays to KNOW whether you want to be a doctor.

Personally, I'm not great at structuring my own time, so at college, group activities like karate and Senate were in, while open-ended activities like learning to remix were out. Now that college is over, I'm hoping to focus more internally in order to learn the skills I need and want for the future.

If there's one thing I've learned in my 24 years on this planet, it's that you'll find time to do what's important to you, for better or for worse.


congrats on graduation man, no doubt the whole experience is bittersweet for you. freshman year is the most definitive year in college, and the most fun, and as long as you manage your time well you should have no problem balancing friends, school, and your hobbies. hell, freshman year's when i first picked up a daw when my friend introduced me to reason and my composing really took off. in college, time management isn't how to divvy the small amount of time you have in between schoolwork and classes, it's how to use the insane amount of freetime freshman year affords you. just be smart about it and don't stay up till 5 am on school nights

p.s: class remixes man. some of the freshest stuff i've heard around here in a while

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