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I'm going to be migrating to Linux for the first time soon. But first are there any Linux users here? I'm looking for the best distro for audio and music production.


I'm running Ubuntu, it's not bad. But for music editing software, don't ask. I have no idea what is good or what works with it. Word to the wise, make sure you install WINE, it's a Windows emulator for windows programs to work with Ubuntu

I'm going to be migrating to Linux for the first time soon. But first are there any Linux users here? I'm looking for the best distro for audio and music production.

You may as well just build a new very beefy system and get your self a copy of Win XP Pro SP3 or from what I hear Vista Ultimate

Or you know... you could wait till Windows 7 comes out...

Not dissing linux but...

Just out of curiosity, can I ask you why ?

eh? you're actually the only person who asked "why?" I'll be dual booting Linux and Windows. It doesn't hurt to try something new. Why? is it because everything these days are more compatible with Windows than Linux?

So far I've looked at Ubuntu Studio, Musix GNU/Linux, JackLab Audio, 64 Studio. These distros are dedicated to multimedia production. After I've been researching for awhile these are the top 4 distros I've found discussed a number of times at several forums (including this thread that I'm trying to use for my research). I want to know what you guys are using, but if no one here uses multimedia based distro, then I have nothing else to add to the list.


Kudos to you for learning something different! I have an Ubuntu partition on every computer I own, and I love it. I'm not too big on the remixing scene right now, so I can't actually point you to a good music production distro. I guess I'm just answering the question, "Does anyone here use Linux?" :<

I don't think it would hurt for everyone to try a distro at some point. There are so many different ones that it's hard to argue that there isn't one "for me." Heck, they even have distributions that totally emulate the look and feel of Windows/Mac, but have the linux background.

eh? you're actually the only person who asked "why?" I'll be dual booting Linux and Windows. It doesn't hurt to try something new. Why? is it because everything these days are more compatible with Windows than Linux?

Well since you used the term migrating, I was just wondering why someone who already has a Windows or Mac box would want to use Linux for music production. Anyways, trying new things can only be good for you, carry on :)


I like the fact that I haven't run into a virus, plus, the updates are frequent, if I ever get a new PC, I'll be using Ubuntu for internet browsing, all the real work on Windows/Mac.

Then again, I don't think Mac has a problem with viruses either, at least not yet.... right? :|


In case anyone wants to see a list of multimedia based distro, here's the list http://wiki.linuxmusicians.com/doku.php?id=linux_multimedia_distro_s. There's a lot, but based on my research, 64 Studio, Ubuntu Studio, and JackLab are tied, and Musix GNU comes in fourth.

And here's a guide regarding multimedia distros http://wiki.linuxmusicians.com/doku.php?id=newbies

Edit: Just found out JackLab is closing its doors (unless someone from the team revives it). So that leaves Ubuntu Studio and 64 Studio as the top 2. If you're new to Linux and want something dedicated to music production and what not, try these two distros out. They're based on Debian so there won't be a huge difference between the two.


Then again, I don't think Mac has a problem with viruses either, at least not yet.... right? :|

This is a horrific lie that I wish would just die already (ranting at Apple, not you, Toad). Macs are JUST as vulnerable to viruses as any other operating system. They've not been as popular as PCs, which is why there isn't as much malware out for it.

Think of it this way: you're a cyberterrorist, and you want to cause as much trouble as you possibly can. Are you going to attack the small, niche-y Mac users, or the huge, evil corporation that is Microsoft? Well, you'll do more damage fighting Microsoft...

Here's a resource for you: http://www.smallblue-greenworld.co.uk/pages/macintosh.html

Here's a short, but sweet article on the matter: http://www.techdigest.tv/2008/12/shock_macs_can.html

Really, just go to Google and type "Apple advises antivirus" and you'll get a ton of stuff.

With Macs being on the rise, I would not for one second hesitate to say that they will, one day, be put through the same fire that Windows has been put through.

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