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This is pretty nice stuff right here, yo. Nice and delicate touch on everything, and a good sense of progression and a sad but contemplative atmosphere. The piano sounded a little more muffled than i'd have liked, but it still fit really well, and when the guitar came in, the high end had some attention. Strings were subdued and tasteful, and the flute bits were sparse but very nice. I wish there was more flute actually, as the beginning was pretty haunting.

Overall a really good mix.


So melancholy. So beautiful.

Its amazing how you took the source audio and changed the entire feeling, but kept it true to the source. A true remix.

Its beautiful. Not much more to it than that.

Good job.

EDIT: The string orchestra accompaniment of a Piano/Guitar duet is brilliant. Again, well done.

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi Dev:

You can tell he really loved this piece.

There's a lot of intimacy in this song from the get-go.... Those Vangelis-type synths really set the tone well, though I do wish they had returned sometime again.

That piano is a nice take on the theme, which is pretty robust in the original. The intro is very well thought out and touching.

The guitar is nice, it gets the job done, it's really subtle, and accompanies the piano for a while... then let's go to let the piano establish that part of the song everyone who knows the OST, will get.

It then comes back and has a little fun, before the key-change... Things get more serious and then the strings join in... REALLY good job there... There was no rush, you just wanted to establish a thought... The pause really helped before you brought them in.

The strings though, do suffer from the super-slow-attack-every-note syndrome that I honestly can't stand... But in this case, can forgive... Especially the post-date.

You EVENTUALLY fill out the lows with those strings, but I think you could have used a little more dissonance or had more movement with the strings in your chords... and been a bit stronger in that climax... A little stronger emotion. But it's just wishful thinking...

Overall it's pleasant, and the major-chord ending is a nice and peaceful choice. You should be proud.

  • 5 years later...

I have loved and listened to this song for so many years. It's just epic. If only Dev would come back and upload a 320/VBR0 version. This deserves more than 128kbps.


Stupid ads interrupted that gorgeous synth only 15 seconds in. Great piano too, tranquil yet somber. The atmosphere is so good, I hit download before the 2 minute mark. Oh, those strings are niiiiccce. Looks like the source is for a ship. I can totally see it, sitting outside a cabin at night while the ship floats through gentle currents.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01104 - Final Fantasy VII "Nanaki Searches for Truth"

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