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OCR01136 - *YES* Star Control 2 'Property of the Crimson Corporation'

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Star Control 2, Property of the Crimson Corporation Remix of Druuge theme.

Remixer: Mark Vera

I'll be submitting more of my Star Control 2 remixes later but let's start with this one. This is part of the official The Ur-Quan Masters remixing project and was remixed in a real hurry on the release date. Despite that it turned very nice. Unfortunately the guitars aren't real. I had start of the remix made earlier, but the song really got it's form just in a couple of hours just before deadline.

I'd say this song would fit well into Doom-category too, but this is a remix of the Druuge theme in Star Control 2.

// Jouni


Jouni Airaksinen // markvera[at]spacesynth.net // www.spacesynth.net/markvera www.spacesynth.net the place where spacesynth scene meets!


the first minute of this song was very cool. but rather than becoming more intense, rather than escalating, it came down after one minute untill it was barely anything. at the end it sort of begins to come back up, but there is no escalation, just a neutral dynamic starting point and a big valley.

Lets build up, not break down


it's worth noting that this mix has great percussion and ambience, but the mix trails off. it's okay to drop out into a percussion section, but unfortunately this percussion section is half of the song, and it eats up too much time. It's cool, but the overall dynamic suffers. this could have been fixed if the song were a few minutes longer, and after the percussion section there was an escalation and a climax, but as it is right now, it just trails off.



Drum work is really nice. Pads and sounds are really great and build a good texture.

I can kind of see what Vig is saying about the arrangement, but I don't think that it's on such a scale where it's detrimental to the mix. I think that the calmer stuff framed by the more intense stuff works well.

That 'guitar' sound is...unique. :wink:

Great work. I give it a YES, which is SEY backwards.


I think Ari and I listen to two different Danny Elfmans, but I could be wrong. The only thing about this song that annoys me is the drums. The excessive use of bass drum drives me nucking futs. Cool sound though. I really like his wizardry mix though... ah well. I'm gonna have to give this one a no because of the grating percussion.





First timer here.... here it goes....

No one can deny the production values here. Aside from a few weak samples and minor blending issues, the song has texture and style.

I'm very much impressed with the arrangement, it's one of those great things where it sounds almost random.... but....isn't.

The guitar fits fine for me, it has a raw synthetic quality that really contrasts with the smoother, ambient instruments.

The sound effects really add a nice touch. Marc has done a great job eliciting emotion with sound, as it's quite tense while also somewhat depressing. As if a massive space battle ended in tragedy.

The kick drum is my biggest gripe. On it's own, it's passable, but when the double kick sessions come in, it's painfully articificial, and not in that cool techno-y way. Velocity modifications would have done wonders. As would some EQ. It needs more low end and less slap. More 80-150 Hz and less 1K-4KHz.

I absolutely adore the choir work following the 4:30 mark. In addition to the creative synth programming and dynamics, I see no reason not to YESify this.



I initially voted this a no, but I'm changing it to a borderline yes.

Mark Vera's style typical spacesynth, like ambient doesn't really need to build up or have crazy dynamic shifts. It's fairly consistent with the line of genre. This is a nice mix. My main problem here is it's a bit shallow sounding. This is definitely carried by the great sound quality.

There's little interesting going on here as far as layering and ambiance that one would expect from music of this type. I also found the guitar very brittle sounding and I don't think it went well with the other sounds. Nice drumwork, but like dan I found the bass drums a bit too strong after a while. The guitar is also brittle and thin. For this kind of mix I think, more clever and softer percussions would allow the ambience to be more immersive. Roach and serrie are good in that department.

Good production quality, and fine work compositionally, although I would have expected something more daring to go along with the sound quality.


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