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Oh yes, let's bombard him with level 100 jokes.

Here's my gift to you: no level 100 jokes!

OK, so this guy I know, Level 99, or just "Lev9" for short, is actually a member of the lemur family. You wouldn't know it from looking at him, but it's true. He has at least three prehensile limbs (possibly more) and can climb most trees with little difficulty.

He subsists almost entirely upon leaves and small berries. On the rare occasion, he will come across fruit like apples or strawberries. Secreting them away, he will hide them in the hollows of trees or underneath roots.

Predators of Level 99 include Judges, although this is rare. Most Judges will only attack if he draws their attention, and if his defense (in the form of music) isn't strong enough to distract them from their daily routines. Other predators include Project Directors and Forum Trolls. Luckily, Level 99 seems to have evaded most of these hunters with little damage.

Unfortunately, Level 99 is nearly extinct, seeing how he is the only one of his kind. Preservation efforts have been taken to prevent him from dying, but every time he leaves a remix unfinished, it attracts the attention of poachers.

Please, save Level 99 from a lonely life and a horrible death, and help him reproduce enough to stave off extinction. We have a series of breeding programs in place, we just need willing, compatible females. Your donation of sexy women could help this single specimen turn into a flourishing species.

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