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*NO* Street Fighter 2 'Rain Over Tokyo'


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Note: slow server, might be faster from judgespace - djp

Hey! It'sa me, texx!

Today I got bored on my sick leave and also had the tune of Ken in my mind... So it wasn't a big deal to get up and remix it the last 12 hours.

And it's called like the pictures in my head: "Rain Over Tokyo".

What a shame nobody remixed Ken's tune so far. I just HAD to do it!

greetings from Austria!

Phil aka. texx sound


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Everything is so quiet. :(

It seems like you've got some nice musical ideas going on, but there so far back; they sound so timid, hiding behind that lo-fi percussion. Bring that out a bit, and push back the percussion.

I can see how you're trying to be delicate, but the ideas get busier and seem like the song should crescendo near the end, but it doesn't. It's still hiding back there.

Work on your levels, man.


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