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Ok i slapped this one together in couple of days before school started. I know this is far beyond being complete but i just wanted to get some feedback on how to improve my song or what can be added to make it better bc im fairly new to remixing and using Fruity Loops. I know i need to add the rest of the song and fix it up (like adding FX and stuff) but this is how far i got with my busy schedule...

I know you may be thinking why do Corridor of Time. It was kinda stuck in my head and it is a pretty simple song to translate from music sheet to the piano roll lol.

I appreciate your time in listening to my music and providing help in making it better :-P.

Update: 10/18/10


Update: 10/21/10


Update: 1/19/11



OMG I did a remix of this track like forever ago (2006) hah!

Ideas... you got a guitar / harp / plucked instrument sound for the starting melody; add some more synths to that melody. Maybe a fast side chained choir (8th note instead of quarter for the side-chain). Dirty up your bass... it is too smooth, if you want it smooth add another mid / mid-hi type bassline, and definitely hit that 2nd bass with a quarter note side chain (most people use the kick). Learn the chords and get some outta this world pads on them too! Sweeps and swells side chained with a delay and verb on them might sound good.

Drums need LOTS of love but you said you are starting this and it is thrown together. Harsh compression, decent EQ and the lightest touch of reverb and you should be good.

Give us an update!


Bass plus ostinato melody... You're gonna need more than that to have the track sound rich enough.

Your drums are raw and pretty weak mixed, some reverb would help the tracks blend together better, coupled with some EQ to make them each stand out on their own. For something that makes up most of the track so far, something playing solo in the intro you need to make the drums sound good. Listen to other ppl's work, listen to the drums in remixes posted the past few years, and compare. Then think of how you can make yours sound better. Even if you can't buy samples, there's a lot you can do with just effects. Just listen to your own harp track, which sounds cool. :D

Nice start tho, sounds like a good song for practice. See how good you can get it, hard to say in this stage how far you can take it, but I reckon with the right work it could get on ocr... but it's way to early to say. Better to just treat it as a practice track. if it turns out it's great when it's done... welld one. if you've only learned stuff from it... also well done. :D


I haven't been working on this song in a while because of school (from 8-5) but yea this is probably just an excerise for me to learn the basics. Thank you Rozovian and Rig for providing feedback on my song, now i know what i have to improve and create to make my song better. I'll try to work on it and update soon so you can evaluate it. Your help is really much appreciated. :D

  • 1 year later...

Been a year since i last looked at this file lol..busy life with school and everything but i wanted to get back to remixing..

doing this i got my uncle back to the remixing music again so i asked him to help me out with this song and so far it's going alright..

so far i just put the whole song in FL studio, add a few beats and messed with the sound a lil bit...

things to mess with: ending (not completely finished sounds weird right now), more catchy beats lol, originality for sure if i want it on ocremix

i would like your opinion on this song so far and anything you like/dislike, add/remove and improve please say it bc im still new to this..i really appreciate your time for listening to our song


the last quarter of the song we have not done anything to it yet so you can skip it if you like, it is just the ending part of the original song i put in the piano roll in FL Studio..thanks again


First off, it may not be the best idea to just start off with a drum beat, maybe try having a kinda drone pad or something to give it a more interesting texture. Also your bass in too soft, I have to listen close to hear it because the kick way overpowers. Your hats are also WAY too soft, I was about to actually comment saying throw some hats in there until I had a second listened and realized that yes, there technically were some sort of hats in there. Anyway, turn them up and add some more, or if you seek to continue using this type of drum rhythm try chopping up some breaks, you might get some interesting results. Lastly, turn the reverb down on your drums, not really necesarry especially if you get some other elements into the mix from the get-go.

The synths are all nice sounding but kinda basic and not really utilized in interesting ways, they follow the melody for the most part. Try experimenting with the source some more. That said the arp synth does its job fine and I wasn't really talking about that.

That said your remix lacks a sense of direction in that it kinda feels generic. Try to find a specific angle you want your remix to go in, kinda like "Corridor of time but with a big heavy club bass" or something, it doesn't have to be totally complicated but it might give the mix some personality.

Anyway, I'd try to comment more and stuff but I got class, hope that helps.


Opening up with the drum is nice, but your kick is too hollow. Try layering it to fatten it up. I would also try to make the intro sound a little more interesting as well. Vagrance had a good idea with using a drone to add some more texture.

Where's the bass? I can't hear it when the drum is going and I can barely hear it when it's just playing by itself. It needs to be louder especially if you're going to have it solo for a bit.

The overall track is very basic and empty. I hope you're working on a better ending 'cause the one you have now isn't very good. Add some pads to fill out the sound more.

The middle part where all the instruments come together and play the main melody is very good and you need to carry that out into the rest of the track.

My suggestions: fatten the kick drum, turn up the bass, add some pads (and maybe some other synths) to fill out the sound, get a better ending, and also lengthen the track. It is a little short.


Thank you for your time in listening to what i got so far and providing some good ideas to my song.

Sorry about the low bass and stuff i was mainly messing around with the main melody and turned almost everything down or off and forgot to turn it back up.

I really appreciate the comments.

I'm doing everything little by little so i'm sorry if the next update does not fix the drums and whatnot, my uncle said to mess with the melody first and then work on the drums and stuff later, so i'm doing that right now whenever i have the time between classes. As for what type of angle i'm going for i'm thinking toward breakbeat i think.

I'll have an update by next week hopefully better than the last one :-) and not going in the wrong direction i'll try to implement some of your ideas but like i said im going at it slow.

Thank you very much :mrgreen:

  • 2 months later...

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