Theophany Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 ~Update 6~ I think this is pretty close to being final. There might be some tweaks to notes here and there once I do the mastering to try and boost the overall volume, but I plan to sit on this for another week or two, and if it still sounds good when I come back for another listen, I'm just going to submit it. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to listen and comment. ~Update 5~ I added two more verses to the song that are supposed to be something more like a climax before the chants come back. I haven't changed the ending so far, I haven't decided what I'm going to do. The two verses I just added are a little rough, but I'll make a few more passes when I figure out what I'm going to do about how the song is arranged, section-wise. I like the sections separately, but somehow they just don't work together at the moment. It might have to do with how different the textures are, in which case maybe some more accompaniment might be the solution. I also need to learn how to master properly, my work always comes out sounding much lower than it sounds when I'm mixing it. This track has way more effect with the volume cranked up. ~Update 4~ It's been awhile since I updated, so this is kind of a big change. I've added an entirely new section in the middle, it's kind of like a Link/Sheik duet section. I like the new material, but this is definitely not finished. It does, however, play around the with bolero theme a lot more and adds a new motif/melody or two, which I like. I also took out the fast piano section, since this middle section kind changed the direction of the song a bit, and placed the main piano theme at the end. Thought the time was right to update the thread and see what you guys think. New material @ 1:15. ~Update 3~ Added more strings, improved drums at end... although the ending is just temporary, I'm pretty much realizing that going into the Volvagia theme is a bad idea because the mix is already almost 4 minutes long, and I won't have time to do it justice. I should just do a separate volvagia remix for great justice. I have a lot of material already here for the bolero remix, I think I should probably just focus on making it as strong as possible. I should probably go through and give that bass I put in the intro more attention throughout the song. I think this is getting pretty strong, but I'm still not totally convinced the judges would YES this. The middle sections are what have me most worried. Any thoughts? ~Update 2~ I dropped in some drum / bass ideas in the beginning of the WIP. haven't figured out what I want the middle section drums and bass to sound like yet, so I've left those areas out. The drums that appear at the end were just dropped in, they're not final, I plan to make them, ahem, better... Still needs work of course, but I think it's starting to sound pretty cool... ~Update 1~ Sampled and added fire chants Still have to finish the rest of the song though.. ~Original Post~ When we first started remixing, one of our goals was to do all the ocarina themes from OoT. This piano arrangement idea for bolero of fire has been around awhile, but I decided a few weeks ago to brush it off and flesh it out. There is going to be an ending section, though I haven't really begun working on it yet. I was kind of excited that this mix started to go somewhere, so I thought I'd ask if you guys were liking this. Looking for general feedback. I plan to sub this, so merciless criticism is welcomed and encouraged. Quote
linkspast Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 Ends a bit fast. But you probably know this. But over all I enjoyed this. It be kind of cool if the chanting in the beginning was the chanting from the fire temple. . Quote
Kinslayer Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 I agree, if you need an original .mp3 of the fire temple theme(chanting included) you're more than welcome to PM me and I'll get you the file somehow... As for the WIP, I love the idea of the piano, but you should add some effects to make it less concerto, more badass piano solo, maybe some drums, some bass to back it up, make a song out of it...not just a great piano theme...other than that I really like this...and the violin is nice too...the ending needs some work, and I'd try to incorporate the violin into the song earlier...nice starting mix...keep up the good work. Quote
Theophany Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 linkspast: About the ending, the track is supposed to keep going. My plan was for the mix to go into the Volvagia Fire Boss theme, but I'm wondering if maybe it will make the song too long. I just haven't figured out how to end it really... yashafan: the fire temple chanting would be great. I originally wanted to do that, but I was too lazy to go out and look for a high quality version of the original track. i'll think about what you said, about adding percussion and some bass. i'm not sure how it would work, but i'm open to the idea. i do feel like maybe just piano might not be enough, and it's definitely occurred to me that i should add some strings into the mix throughout. maybe instead of doing a volvagia piano climax, i could repeat the theme in a more fleshed out version with additional instrumentation. or could do volvagia with more instrumentation. anyway, thanks for listening and taking the time to comment Quote
Kinslayer Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 Or like I said in my PM, giving the Fire Temple actual would be a nice remix adding effects of the Bolero of Fire, Fire Temple, and Volvagia battle, I like the idea of future then, you could do the same to the four other temples...I'd like to hear mixes like that done for Forest, Water, Shadow, and's kind of a cool concept. Quote
Theophany Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 Alright guys, I dropped in some fire chants! Thanks again to Yashafan for that... those chants sound frickin cool Quote
jabond23 Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 This is damn bad ass! I usually don't say that about too many tracks though. I think the piano arrangement is very well done. Is it a live recording? I kinda agree about adding a nice, slow, and pulsating drum beat in there with an accompanying bass line. That would bring this track out of this world. Otherwise, everything else seems pretty good. The mixing and arrangement is solid and nothing seems out of place. Looking forward to any future updates! Quote
Theophany Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 I kinda agree about adding a nice, slow, and pulsating drum beat in there with an accompanying bass line. That would bring this track out of this world. Wow, thanks for the positive feedback! Noted about the pulsing drums. I kind of agree with you there, and before I read your post I was planning to begin laying in some filtered drums, possibly making them sound a bit glitchy to see what it sounds like. Hopefully I'll have an update up soon Quote
Theophany Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 Update: I dropped in some drum / bass ideas in the beginning of the WIP. haven't figured out what I want the middle section drums and bass to sound like yet, so I've left those areas out. The drums that appear at the end were just dropped in, they're not final, I plan to make them, ahem, better... Still needs work of course, but I think it's starting to sound pretty cool... Quote
jabond23 Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 I'm liking the drums. They're there, but in a way that fits with the song style. My only suggestion is that later on in the song, maybe bring a slightly louder and a little faster drum beat in somewhere after the first half of the track. Either way, its sounding very good so far. Quote
Theophany Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 Will do I think the drumbs should get more intense later in the song, like you're saying, maybe go wild a little bit, and make them stand out more... then go full tilt when the battle theme kicks in?? i also need to figure out what to do with the middle section. i'll try out some things tonight and hopefully have a decent update tomorrow. Quote
Kinslayer Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 so far, that's a nice mix, however, you're starting to forget the chants with all the drums and of course the overkill piano...A suggestion, put the Chants in in Slow periods of the song, whenever there's little drums, for instance fade the piano banging out just before the Violin starts and allow the big chant to take control, the one at the beginning is still hearable, and I'd also suggest something else, the Violin is not the area of climax in the song, it's over shadowed by the piano solo, harmonize the violin, bring it in stronger, create drums that just go wild, and then bring in Violin and piano for the Volvagia theme combine both instruments, think Windwaker opening theme... Suggestion for the ending...fade out the violin, have just the basic Bolero of Fire play once or twice and fade, and feature a fading fire chant... Quote
Theophany Posted September 16, 2009 Author Posted September 16, 2009 ~Update 3~ Added more strings, improved drums at end... although the ending is just temporary, I'm pretty much realizing that going into the Volvagia theme is a bad idea because the mix is already almost 4 minutes long, and I won't have time to do it justice. I should just do a separate volvagia remix for great justice. I have a lot of material already here for the bolero remix, I think I should probably just focus on making it as strong as possible. I should probably go through and give that bass I put in the intro more attention throughout the song. I think this is getting pretty strong, but I'm still not totally convinced the judges would YES this. The middle sections are what have me most worried. Any thoughts? Quote
Kinslayer Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Think of quality over quantity, if it's worth mixing the Volvagia theme, and you think people would be able to listen to a song that long...which I believe as good as this is so far, people will...maybe adding the Volvagia theme wouldn't be so bad...however, if you think that it's a bad idea, then focus on making what you have stronger...the ending fails though...when I meant fade it out, I kinda meant fading out, the strings, the piano, and the chant...but so far, it's really good... Quote
Theophany Posted September 16, 2009 Author Posted September 16, 2009 the ending fails though...when I meant fade it out, I kinda meant fading out, the strings, the piano, and the chant...but so far, it's really good... haha lol "the ending fails".... I like your style. Well, how about this... I'll play around with the Volvagia theme, and we'll just see what I'm able to come up with. I have an idea for what it should sound like, so I'll wip it up and post it. I guess it would be better to decide whether or not the material is too long after the song is already made... and since there seem to be people interested, I'm willing to oblige No promises on how quickly I can do it, though. Quote
The Joker Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 I agree on the ending. It works as a loopable track, but I assume you're going for a stand alone track. I'd go with a fuller, more intense Bolero of Fire at the end, then end on a long violin note. It would give it a bit more epicness. Right now, though, I dig it. It has a Bear McCreary sound to it. I'd even look into the Sarah Connor Chronicles soundtrack, particularly the intro song. Quote
Theophany Posted September 24, 2009 Author Posted September 24, 2009 Thanks... I've kind of let this go since I got involved in Wild Arms. I do mean to finish it, I just want to make sure I don't slow the rest of the project up. I think I agree with you about the ending, though, rather than go into the Volvagia theme I think I'd rather make it just a bolero of fire remix. Plus this one still needs work, and could definitely be developed further. Volvagia deserves its own mix anyway. Same for some Majora's Mask tunes... Quote
Theophany Posted October 4, 2009 Author Posted October 4, 2009 It's been awhile since I updated, so this is kind of a big change. I've added an entirely new section in the middle, it's kind of like a Link/Sheik duet section. I like the new material, but this is definitely not finished. It does, however, play around the with bolero theme a lot more and adds a new motif/melody or two, which I like. I also took out the fast piano section, since this middle section kind changed the direction of the song a bit, and placed the main piano theme at the end. Thought the time was right to update the thread and see what you guys think. New material @ 1:15. Quote
Plazmataz Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 First of all, this song is really kicking ass. I was really getting into the interplay between the harp, the strings, and the drums are working for 100%. However, I thought that nearer to the end the transitions were kind of lacking, and that the polish and flow you'd built up to that point kind of broke down. The section where the instruments drop out altogether and leave that weird whispering effect (around 2:45 I think) seemed a little out of place, but when the moving strings and the drums came back I felt like it was set right. Maybe that's what you were going for. At any rate, the beginning of the end at 3:45 seems very abrupt. I think this part would be much more effective if it sort of grew out of the phrase preceding it, rather picking up right when the old textures cut out. I hope that makes sense. Quote
Emunator Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 The drums you've got going on are pretty sweet. I like the piano solo that you ended with; the whole mix felt like it was leading up to something loud, grand, and moving, and I suppose that was it. The transition into the piano section felt kinda lazy, though. Overall, the sounds you're using work great with each other and you've got a wonderful mood going, but the arrangement still needs a bit of work. Your buildups feel very tense and promising, but what follows is pretty anti-climactic when the song just drop off back to nothingness instead of getting the track moving. One good verse with the energy maxed out would really fit in well after one of your buildups, probably at 3:46. I think you could really use your strings to create something very exciting and climactic before you end with the piano. Take a listen to "Avaris - Journey to Solace" to get an idea of what I'm talking about with the strings. Keep at it, this one feels like it's almost there Quote
Theophany Posted October 4, 2009 Author Posted October 4, 2009 I agree with both of you actually, especially this: Your buildups feel very tense and promising, but what follows is pretty anti-climactic when the song just drop off back to nothingness instead of getting the track moving. One good verse with the energy maxed out would really fit in well after one of your buildups. This pretty much confirms what I'm feeling about it too. I think I'm going to try and work some kind of maxed out verse, as you put it, with a lot of interplay between the different elements and hopefully bring some more energy, and then, maybe, let it get quiet again before the finish. It's getting closer, like you said, but definitely not there yet. Delivering on buildups... not as easy as building up Thanks for the great feedback guys... Quote
Emunator Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 You're very welcome Also, I just wanted to say that your Serenade of Water mix is absolutely brilliant - I've been listening to it for ages and just realized that was your work! I definitely think that this one could match that quality with a bit more work on the arrangement side. Quote
Theophany Posted October 5, 2009 Author Posted October 5, 2009 You're very welcome Also, I just wanted to say that your Serenade of Water mix is absolutely brilliant - I've been listening to it for ages and just realized that was your work! I definitely think that this one could match that quality with a bit more work on the arrangement side. Thanks I added two more verses to the song that are supposed to be something more like a climax before the chants come back. I haven't changed the ending so far, I haven't decided what I'm going to do. The two verses I just added are a little rough, but I'll make a few more passes when I figure out what I'm going to do about how the song is arranged, section-wise. I like the sections separately, but somehow they just don't work together at the moment. It might have to do with how different the textures are, in which case maybe some more accompaniment might be the solution. I also need to learn how to master properly, my work always comes out sounding much lower than it sounds when I'm mixing it. This track has way more effect with the volume cranked up. Quote
Emunator Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Yeah, that's definitely in the vein of what I was talking about! Refine those a bit and I think you've got something that's submittable. I can see the transition that occurs when the chants come back in bothering people, but personally, I liked it a lot. The lone piano notes felt like such a perfect choice to segue into the last part of the song. Great update, I don't really have anything negative to say about this one! Quote
Theophany Posted October 5, 2009 Author Posted October 5, 2009 Yeah, that's definitely in the vein of what I was talking about! Refine those a bit and I think you've got something that's submittable.I can see the transition that occurs when the chants come back in bothering people, but personally, I liked it a lot. The lone piano notes felt like such a perfect choice to segue into the last part of the song. Great update, I don't really have anything negative to say about this one! Cooooooooooooooooooool. Glad to you like it Hopefully it'll sound better once I figure out how to master properly. Quote
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