djpretzel Posted February 28, 2004 Posted February 28, 2004 Hello, djp. It's been a while since a submitted a remix. I thought I'd send this one in and give it a shot. It's a remix of the water music from Super Mario World. I have made some quite significant changes in places, both in terms of chords and melody. I don't think it's enough to make the tune sound in any way unfamiliar but that was the idea. This one is also considerably slower than the original. I have a piano with some echo, pads, bells violin and some other things. The bass in this is mixed pretty quietly, I wanted it to give the track a warmer feeling. Ok, the details: Artist: spacepony Real Name: Richard Gaynor Song Tittle: Super Mariocean (3.49, 160 Kbps) Game: Super Mario World Link: (It's in spacepony/Game Remix) Could I please ask you to rename the actual file name, if possible. My iDisk is a bit picky. Thank you for your time. Rich.
DarkeSword Posted February 28, 2004 Posted February 28, 2004 That wobbly pad you're using in the opening section is kind of annoying. It bounces back forth between my ears, and sounds kind of loud in the opening. The rest of the mix however is pretty nice. Cool sounds, and they mesh really well together. The interpretation is really relaxing and spacey. Pretty neat. Kind of repetitive, but not in a bad way. YES
Vig Posted February 28, 2004 Posted February 28, 2004 this reminds me of the soundtrack to jumping flash. it's bright, synthetic, happy, and harmonically simple. This is not necessarily a bad thing. This mix definately has the potential to lull me to sleep. there is a nice wide range of sounds, good dynamic use. It really is repetitive. i would have liked to hear each verse be a little more different. however, this is a very nice listen. YES
Digital Coma Posted February 28, 2004 Posted February 28, 2004 This is basically the original (which itself is an arrangement of another level theme) without drums, slowed down, and with some liberties taken with melody. I do like the changes made, but they're interspersed throughout the arrangement and cumulatively don't mean much when the rest is very close to the original in sound and style. Samples are very much 'SNES' and are rather plastic in texture, the piano and strings are especially fake, but they do fit the given mood. What kills this in the end is the repetition; the fade-out ending is but one example of this and is very inappropriate. Cool sound, but these flaws merit a resubmit. NO
Protricity Posted March 2, 2004 Posted March 2, 2004 Cant see that angle at all. This is top notch rearrangement. Excellent sound quality. Excellent everything. Makes me happy to see this caliber being submitted to oc now and again. YES Really good job on the string synths. Couldn't imagine you wanting to change anything about this mix. Perhaps more length, thats about it. GJ
danny B Posted March 2, 2004 Posted March 2, 2004 Well, I'm not a big fan of the timbres used, or the sound quality. It certainly isn't "top-notch", but it doesn't suck, either. There isn't much variation in the voices being used. However, the amount of arrangement present in this mix is pretty impressive, and that alone can get me past the bland instrumentation. I'd really like to hear a melodramatic acoustic drum track, with a snare washed in reverb and over-the-top slow tom fills, but I guess if ethereal's whatcha want, ethereal's whatcha got. YES -D
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