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seems neat - but idk - the fx didn't blow me away - i think i would rather do microscopic stuff in the studio rather than use this live

i don't have kore - which you know :P - um but this is reaktor sooo...i can't really tell but i assume i would have to pay for the reaktor instrument

Well, yeah, I wouldn't say it blew me away either. Between the preexisting Kore FX and Glitch and a few other things, I can already get most of those FX sitting down in the studio. However, I don't think any of them are nearly as intuitive for live performance.

If anyone's going to get to the finger, it should be NI. I'm not happy with their customer service.

Their phone support sucks, yes, but I've never had any issues with their forums.


could be worse. you could be trying to install komplete 3 with their website registration setup thing.

I think it took 4 days for everything to finally work out.

also the thread title got me excited to read some loldrama. then I opened it and remembered the e-mail I got earlier.

I was disappointed.


So a long time ago, analoq (i think) posted a video of Exile doing his mashup thing with Reaktor 5 and a fairly simple laptop setup. Can't find the video now, but it was like

without the suck. I thought that micro was already available to Reaktor users? If so, then doesn't this only offer a similar capability in Kore format?

Cool that lame people without Reaktor can use it (like me), but nothing new?

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