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This probably would have been a direct post but I don't know the original. I think we need the original to evaluate it... anyone? -djp

Hey djp, once again i have a remix from the trance album. This is from the n64 game extreme-G. A remix of the first level (Which is already trance oriented) Except with way more junk and bLiNd spices. So mention its another preview track for the trance album for project majestic mix.

hope you dig it, thanks man!

-jordan (bLiNd)


little note clashing that I really dont like at 1:00. Nothing particularly wrong with it. Just happens if one doesnt establish a good bass.

Not too impressed by this. Its all the same stuff yet again.

Either way, no submission violations and good sound quality, so


It is typical for me to go on the word of others when someone says a remix has enough rearrangement to pass. However, in this case, dan had a complaint and asked me to listen to the original. After listening, I am no longer convinced there is even nearly enough originality here.

The synths are harder than the original, but its the same song and not as well done as the original.

This coupled with the problems I have with the track anyway changes my vote to a


Sorry dude.


I know i'll lose a bunch of brownie points and get flamed up the ass and it'll pass anyway, etc etc etc, BUT....


Here's why.

I was already pretty familiar with the original, but on closer inspection, I find that the source material indeed in some ways remains superior to this remix. In some ways, inferior, as well.

Specifically, I don't like new drum track. The hats stick out terribly and don't fit as well into the groove as they do in the original. There is no dynamic contrast in much (not all!) of the high-frequency work. Some of the drum fills and breaks are often awkward, and tend to jar the listener out of their "trance". Places like 3:49 just irk the hell out of me. It just doesn't fit in with the rest of the atmosphere created.

The synth programming in general is pretty impressive, but the impressive sections are few and far between, and consist mostly of synth patterns that are mainstays of the genre, and really bring nothing new to the table. It consists of the same filter patterns and addition/subtraction arrangement method we've heard a thousand times before.

There also isn't much in the way of dynamic contrast, Which in trance generally isn't an emphasized feature of the genre, but I think a much more in-depth EQ job could do wonders here.

Keep in mind, I am very much borderline on this track. I enjoy a lot of blind's work, personally I really dig the F-Zero megamixes. But this one falls short for me. And like I said, I'll be flamed, ridiculed, tarred, feathered, castrated, whatever.....I simply don't think it brings enough originality to the original to warrant postage.



I think this is a good interpretation. My main gripe is the eq, there's too much stuff going on in the high frequency area, and not enough bass imo - the hi hats selected are too sharp, and not subtle enough.

However, I do think this mix has a lot of energy, and is like a hyped version of the orginal. I think it definitely adds enough elements to be posted.



I think I heard this before at Larry's show and enjoyed the sound quality for a radio stream. Nice work there, but I have quite a few issues with this mix.

The beginning starts of with that sound on the right. Is that a hihat or noise patch? Whatever it is, it sounds very awkward, exposed and simply doesn't fit in.

For me the main problem with this mix is the cluttered sound. You have a lot of similar frequency sounds clashing with each other. I can't say I find it pleasant at all. Also with the kind of reverb/delay you've used, this further makes the cluttered mess even worse. I think this needs to be more on the dry side given the compositional choices of the mix.

I love the section that starts at 1:20. That's a better example of good mixing.

Let me say I really enjoy blind's mixes, but this has too many issues for me to pass. This just sounds like something we've heard over and over at OCR before. When we have so many electronica mixes, I feel the better mixers of these genre need to start to doing more unique stuff that isn't just relying on good sounds. Borderline on this, but I'll have to give this a NO.


I'd hate to think that i'm going soft, but i really just dont see what the problem is here.

This is a beautiful sounding mix. It sounds to me like it is superior to the original in every way, and it certainly adds new elements to the original. This is clearly a remix, not a cover. I hear harmonies and ideas that were completely absent in the original.

i also have no problem with the hi-hat.

While I agree that this isn't bLiNd's best work, nor is it the most interesting trance piece on the site, it is enjoyable, and it sounds great.

While I have never really been one to give a mix the benefit of the doubt, I see no doubt here. djp thinks this is worthy of a direct post as long as it isnt a cut and paste of the original.

It isnt, and i'm going to agree with his assesment.


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