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Remixer Name: TO

Site: www.orichalcon.co.nr

email: the_orichalcon@hotmail.com

Original Song: Last Battle in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow

Description: I can't remember whether I submitted this or not, I made it a while ago and sort of forgot about it, didn't have a confirmation email so I'm sending it now to be sure. It's just an action technoey piece of the last battle in the pokemon gameboy games. Enjoy.


Intro is pretty cool, but once we get into the meat of the mix, it sounds pretty sparse. The melody has no highs or lows; its meandering, it's boring. I can hear where you could have a lot of cool stuff going on, but instead you just let the melody play on that lone synth by itself. The strings in the beginning just seem to disappear for the rest of the mix.

Nice beats though.

My advice: use some more instruments, and actually try to develop the material, rather than dropping it by itself on a cool synth and some nice beats.



Indeed Darke is right. The synth is all by itself over the weak bass and drumloops. This continues for the entire duration of the song.

Really gotta go for more 'meat'.

Cool sound processing, but you need to go for your own beats and some better orchestration/arrangement.



Nice ambience in the beginning, but the high marcato strings just ain't doin it for me. I'm not getting the feeling of a "Wall of sound" here, more like a "Wall of drum loops". It's a drum groove with a melody and a very weak bassline. It needs to be filled with musicness. Try breaking up the monotony of a groove-based tune with breakdowns, drum fills, and maybe a bridge or a B section. This tune stays at the same intensity all the way through, regardless of the build in the beginning, which just goes to show how weak the main groove section is.

Get some intensity goin on, fill up your chords, vary your instrumentation, and try to control the intricacies of your synths a little more closely. The bass synth seems to come in with a bite then fades off. Give it some filter res, and crank it up with the rhythm. Overall, much more synth programming needs to be done to keep things interesting.




The melodic choices are poor, the mix sort of stutters along from beginning to end. The same tremolo in the string stabs along with a single note horn creates a very awkward harmony; not believable. Then comes the drumloop and some shoddy synths and bass... there's not much going on here at all and what little there is just sounds off.


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