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Solid trance with some really cool scratchin' at the end -djp

MY NAME: Strike911

EMAIL: extreme74@hotmail.com

CREDIT CARD NUMBER: haha, I've bet you've seen this a million times


TITLE: Boosters Online

REMIX OF: Super Mario RPG, Booster's Tower

All tags are properly labeled as requested in the guidelines.

OTHER COMMENTS: I'm trying to make up for that horrible Perfect Dark remix a year and a half ago. I hope this does it.




It is pretty solid, as far as trance goes, but damned if it's not repetitive. That drumline doesn't change up much throughout most of the song. Neither does that arpeggiating line. Sure it filters and defilters at points, but it just keeps going and going and going.

The scratching bit is pretty neat too, but it comes far too late in the mix to have a substantial effect on the overall song.

Your sounds are good, but you need to work more on your arrangement. Vary up things more; take a break from the typical arpeggiated line and four-on-the-floor percussion and do something new.

This is not a bad piece, but I think you could do a lot more.



Another case of trance built around videogame music. Even though the chords are played by the synths, you can't recognize this as a Booster mix until the melody finally kicks in a minute later. The double-layered synths are not very creative and the arrangement is limp; the original, although short, hasn't even been fully incorporated. Ideas like the too little too late scratching should have been present throughout to make this FRESH.

Listenable, but not enough. NO


Exactly as Darkesword put it.

My main problem here is the synths. I may be a little biased for not liking detuned synths in perticular, but layered detuned synths always sounded like shit to me. When things get layered up, I hear a great deal of frequency clashing. Things just get ugly. Cant really describe it anyway.

I would be willing to look past this if there were other elements of value and originality in this song, but its pretty much a straightforward trance song.

Just go for more next time.



Cookie Cutter. Some interesting additions; staccato synths are nice. Binnie's right, except I can hardly tell it's a booster mix even after the melody comes in.

This piece sounds like it's halfway between beginner and pro. Some parts, like some of the synth programming and the scratching - They're rad.

But the drum track and the lack of variation....evolution.....anything emotive to move the song along..... it feels beginner-esque. After the scratching break down, it sounds very empty, and when the synths come back in to fill it up, I keep expecting more. It needs to be filled up with sound. Right now, what you've got is a decent framework. Get your harmonies kickin, and you'll have somethin grand.



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