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I'm not much of a musician, so I can't offer any sort of technical advice, but I'll do my best.

I really loved the bit from 1:06-1:43, it totally added to the industrial atmosphere and sounded really great.

However, the main instrument at 2:20 seems really screechy to me. Try toning it down or using a different sound, maybe.

Anyway, that was the only main qualm I had about this piece. It's got some great potential, and I can't wait til it's finished.


Yeah, i really enjoyed this. Your stuff never disappoints HoboKa. I can't really comment on anything other than the fact that this track is awesome. The atmosphere is nice and the way the drums switch between different phases is a nice touch as well.

Keep it up man!

And here is update 3 (skipped 2 cuz it sucked)


So shouldn't 3 be the new 2? :shock:

xD Anyways:

Your drums seem a little low quality.

1:06: I dunno... the theme seems a little slapped on there.

1:48: Was abrupt and unexpected. I like that part, but I suggest trying a better transition.

Good work, I like the song composition wise.


It sounds like an Unreal Tournament rendition of Super Metroid... Neat.

I like the instrument choices and the production values of this song (as well as the arrangement :P) - you've got a strong song going on here, so here's a few suggestions to make it stronger.

The drums seem to have too much side chaining going on in the bass for my tastes. Also, the drums seem to repeat a bit too often - make the drums more interesting and varied, the genre calls for it.

The soundscape, while nice and full, doesn't change enough. I'm entranced in the beginning, but that doesn't last long. What can I say, I'm an American - we need flashy things that change constantly so we can stay interested longer. Really, though, the soundscape could use some more variety throughout.

I like the idea of making a medley for the game - are you going to incorporate your Norfair remix in there (breakbeat orchestral style)? Yes, I remember that one; tis' a shame that you didn't follow up on it :nicework:. Keep it going (when you can, obviously).


Well, I managed to squeeze in a bit of time to do some moar workage...been pulling a lot of hours at my job recently, so... T-T

Gonna be frank with you guys - I'm not very good at complex melodies as many of you probably already know; so 1:23 to 1:42 may sound pretty funky, in both meanings. Moreover, the sample was acting weird, so I gotta fix that.

Anyways, I also added some other stuff and tweaked other things, also followed through on some of the advice; to which I may consider following through more thoroughly.

well, here it is!


Oh and guys, try not to sugar coat it too much. You've spoiled me enough :<

Well, I managed to squeeze in a bit of time to do some moar workage...been pulling a lot of hours at my job recently, so... T-T

Gonna be frank with you guys - I'm not very good at complex melodies as many of you probably already know; so 1:23 to 1:42 may sound pretty funky, in both meanings. Moreover, the sample was acting weird, so I gotta fix that.

Anyways, I also added some other stuff and tweaked other things, also followed through on some of the advice; to which I may consider following through more thoroughly.

well, here it is!


Oh and guys, try not to sugar coat it too much. You've spoiled me enough :<

1:20 - 1:42 = PWNage. Dunno what the hell you're talking about :nicework:

(at 1:45)

However still, that transition is much too abrupt. It even sounds like you changed the drumkit, and might I add that snare fills up the soundscape and is WAY too loud.

1:20 - 1:42 = PWNage. Dunno what the hell you're talking about :nicework:

(at 1:45)

However still, that transition is much too abrupt. It even sounds like you changed the drumkit, and might I add that snare fills up the soundscape and is WAY too loud.

Yeah, lots of EQ work to be done, and that snare is def. on the list. Glad you like the melody




well, I got lazy...not to mention that I caught a nasty cold as well.

That's what I get for smoking too much :<

Nonetheless, ver5 is up albeit not really all that much changed in terms of composition or what have you. That transition is still pretty yucky and prob not very OCR savvy...that's alrightl this project was way too ambitious for me anyways. Not to mention that I've got other tracks that I ought to be working on =l

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