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OCR01164 - *YES* Final Fantasy 7 'Jenova for Classical Piano'

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Submitted on 2/4/04:

Hello, I've been doing piano arrangements and remixes for quite some time, although, this is one of my first submissions to OCR. This is a piano arrangement of the Jenova battle music, done in a late romantic classical style (with some impressionist overtones). This was transcribed not from the original game music, but from Uematsu's Black Mages album, of which one new part from that I've included (starting at around 4:40 in the piano arrangement)... the ending is of my own composition, though.

The current title is "Jenova for Classical Piano". As I feel this is a fairly "serious" arrangement, I'd rather not come up with a goofy title, or make up a new name. Although, I understand "Jenova for Classical Piano" is bland city and if you can come up with something that's more interesting, but seems to fit, please feel free.

This was recorded in the Oberlin music conservatory TIMARA studios. Unfortunately, it's just a Yamaha grand, which I hate recording, but it's what I have to work with. I used 4 mikes: two Shure SM81s in a spaced pair, and two Audio Technica 4033s in a close miking arrangement over treble holes and bass strings. It was mixed down on a Pro Tools TDM system using the Waves: Renaissance plugin set for EQ, Compression, and digital Reverb.

Finally, I understand that you don't typically like files over 6MB. This is about 6.5, and at 128kbps. The arrangement is slightly over 7mins in length, but I believe that it is justified and doesn't feel too long. I hope this doesn't cause any problems.

email: eric.barker@oberlin.edu

nickname: Noir

- Eric Barker



This is pretty tricky. I'm kinda torn. I like the arrangement, but yea its so much the same as the original. The part after 4:40 is apparently from an album that has nothing to do with this game.

I think thats a problem that pushes this over the edge to NO

Try to go for your own originality rather than someone else's.

Either way, I really like this song. Only issue is that its too similar to original.

This was transcribed not from the original game music, but from Uematsu's Black Mages album, of which one new part from that I've included (starting at around 4:40 in the piano arrangement)... the ending is of my own composition, though.

This sounds similar to the Brad Smith SoM issue? Can someone provide the Black Mages version of this for comparison?


Protricity, this means war. This arrangement plays upon the original source material in such a delicate and original way that I give it a YES with all my heart. It is similar to the original, but what is a piano soloist going to do, add a drumloop? NO! STFU N00B

A very moving and poignant rendition, though i'd be inclined to say that it falls much farther into the impressionist pile than classical. But Issyfit and Dicko Dan prob know more about that kind of jumbo.

The break to the original section does well to jar the song out of it's initial feeling, and allows it to transcend into the the realm of super-keen with the ending that absolutely annhiliates my very being.

I am humbled by the choice to remain tastefully concise and compact in the scope of the arrangement (a restraint I many times beg the good Lordy I had), while still creating a truly epic conclusion. This one accomplishes its goal through attention to technique and refined musicianship, a pairing of qualifications that is too often eclipsed by mastery of programming, overproduction and beatboxing. But not here, no sir! You have duly impressed me. Great work.



Anyway, I should judge this. Personally I don't believe it sounds too similar to the source tune. The form may be there, but it has some excellent playing and a good, moving interpretation of what is essentially a battle theme.

As for the Black Mages comment, it's not transcribed from the Black Mages song; its just that the ending part is an arrangement of the outro from the Black Mages track.

I think it's a good enough interpretation pulled off quite nicely.


Nothing too daring or experimental, but certainly a positive interpretation and arrangement. Soft recording and less busy-ness give this a floating, gentle quality. Conservative, but it works.


well said.

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