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  • 2 weeks later...

I see that the panel is as prolix as ever. I fail to see how this is just an upgrade though- the theme has been greatly developed and the harmonies have been changed to a more traditional tonal context. If anything, this is too divergent from the original.

I can hear how he took the melody and developed it- although I can't help but feel this is still too original. I don't know, this is tricky...

I'll come back to this one later. But I would suggest the others listen to it again- it's certainly no mere sound upgrade.

  • 3 weeks later...

What is there to remix in this?? It's like... trying to remix something by debussy. I think I hear one motive from the original here. But it's distorted quite a bit. I'm having trouble accepthing this as an arrangement of the original. Though I love the quality of the sounds used and love this as a piece. It's quite beautiful and haunting. I'm just having difficulty placing it with the original. Great original, but until I can figure out or someone else can point out where the original and this coincide, I'm gonna have to give it a no. Put this on an original album though. It's good stuff.




after listening a second time, I can see a SIMILAR motive in the original as in this remix, and while it has nearly the same rhythmic values, the notes are different. The melody has been altered to the point where you could sell this as an original and never have to worry about being sued for copyright infringement. So, once again. Very very very nice work, BUT, comma, it's way too original.



seeing as I've already posted twice, I'll post again. I don't know about the validity of the first 3 votes seeing as they're basing it on the idea that the remix is too close to the original. I'd like to get the opinions of some people with more musical training before locking the thread.



This is one of the most unclear mixes I have heard on the panel. I do believe both camps had points, at times this sounded like the original, and at other times it sounded like a new original.

This decision was obscure enough that I thought Emperor should clarify and be informed of the judge proceedings.

First of all, I took the short melody that is played in the original at 0:31, for example. I used it as a basis for a new melody... Then, I took those pizzicatos at 1:02 and I did not change their style at all, so I guess that's why some of the judges considered it a midi rip. All in all, I altered the original a lot (of course). The original is ambient and I wanted to create a song, a ballad, because I loved the game and I wanted to honor it and Neno Vugrinec (the composer) :) The chords are basically the same, but I changed their order.

He also said that the melody is very different from the original other than the sections he mentioned above.

How does this confirm what you know when the melody and chord progressions have completely been changed, except in a few small instances where he used sections of the original. How is this exactly like the original?

Thus we agree that certain sections are exactly the same as the midi. As for the rest, completely original.

I have no beef with the completely original sections, thus I didn't even mention them. Nevertheless, this is not a remix nor a rearrangement. Its the same genre, style as the original.

And thats my story



This is certainly no mere upgrade. Too original perhaps? This definitely requires at least further comments by malcos and baranowsky.

I would also like to say my personal view is staying in the same genre and style as the original can still be considered an arrangement. In this case the harmonic and compositional changes are definitely enough. My personal trouble area here is too much melodic originality coupled with the liberal compositional changes makes this hard to distinguish at times. This reminds me of some cases this year where the original source material had very little melody to work with and the result of the mix is too original. My feelings are the same in this case.


It's definitely not just an update.

However, it's more of a soundalike someone would use if they can't get the rights to the original music. The one melodic line from the original is altered in such a way that it becomes its own piece more than a rearrangement.

Aside from that, the whole thing sounds very lo-fi to me for some reason.

Nice stuff, but those issues warrant a NO



The feel of the mix is identical to the original, while the notes are not. to me, it isnt a remix.

regardless of the reasons, the overall sentiment on this mix is no, so i'm going to lock this with 6 NOs and 0 Yeses

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