djpretzel Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 This is a remix of the excellent Phantasy Star 4 main theme, End of the Millenium. The title is Final Emprise. Please credit it to 'zircon'. thanks in advance!
Protricity Posted April 11, 2004 Posted April 11, 2004 This song has a hard time developing. Drums never get too involved without stopping shortly thereafter. Lots of slow ambient effects. Bassline and leads follow the original a bit too much. Same for the drums. Develop it more. NO
Malcos Posted April 21, 2004 Posted April 21, 2004 I'm so borderline on this one it's crazy. This could have been more intense I reckon. I had a feeling that it was really going to another level, but it didn't and I had an anti-climax feeling at the end. This may end up being posted, but it's a no from me. Sorry. NO
danny B Posted April 21, 2004 Posted April 21, 2004 A nice tune, catchy melody...all that jazz, but this piece lacks any kind of punch. I didn't hear my sub fire one time. The percussive samples are lo-fi as it is, but they don't catch any attention with their un-EQ'd, flat sound. And after the excruciatingly long intro, i don't feel I was rewarded enough with a strong, poignant chorus section to satisfy that buildup. It repeats a few times and goes back to a bland, lo-fi drumloop. The piano runs are very nice, but unfortunatly too little, too late. You've got interesting synth programming and percussive rhythms, just try to get them out a bit more. Mixing is just as as important, if not more, as arrangement. NO -D
GrayLightning Posted April 21, 2004 Posted April 21, 2004 I don't really agree with the development comments. It does develop well for the electro-new age genre it's intending to be. It reminds me of tangerine dream, vangelis and jarre, with more agressive synths. I personally would have liked softer sounding synths. More sines and synth flutes. I also would have liked a fuller snare here with some middle depth. The mix works. YES
DarkeSword Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 I agree with Danny B for the most part. This piece really lacks intesity; the transition into the chorus at around 1:20 could have done with some more build up and climax; instead, it just sort of happened. Kind of annoying. However, I believe that was probably the only part where the development was in question for me. Like GL said, it works for the genre. Also, can't ignore the really nice sounds and textures going on. Pretty neat. It may not be way up there, but it's certainly above the bar. Enjoyable piece. YES
Vig Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 After so much forplay, i was expecting unbelievable sex. Instead she tells me she wants to wait until she's married. well, enjoy waiting. NO
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