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1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest?

  • Not entirely sure... I think I'd have to be sold on concept of a contest first. I think if it really helps attract attention to the site, I'd definitely consider it.

2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one.

  • Serious, duh.

3. Which contest would you enter?

  • Serious, duh.

4. Exactly.

  • Damn straight.

5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship?

  • I don't think resolution should be stressed to much as long as it's above a certain bar. (i.e., no camera phone level junk).We want stuff to look professional, but at the same time, we don't want people to not participate because they don't have an over $9000 camera.

  • While I've got no problem with flash, I can almost guarantee that if flash is allowed, we're going to have about 1 live action video for every 1000 flash videos. Just something to consider.
  • Censorship is dumb... but I guess the obligitory "no pr0n" rule makes sense in this case.
  • I think as long as edits to the song are professionally done (and with the permission of the remixer) they should be okay... but there probably should be a minimum length requirement for edited videos.

6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer?

  • I'm pretty sure you need to get permission from the artist if you intend on using their song in any way at all.

7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd?

  • If the videos were pro-quality (regardless of budget), then hell yeah.

8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party?

  • Again, if the vids are good... I'd be there in a heartbeat.

9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail?

  • I might be wrong, but I don't think anyone 'round these parts are going to want to host a bunch of high quality video files. Torrent is probably your best bet... or maybe you can host/torrent low-medium quality video files, and the only way to get the HQ ones is to buy the DVD (of which proceeds go to OCR and/or film crews.)

10. Awww jeez what about the judges!?

  • I agree with friendlyHunter on this one... let's not talk about this like it's going to be an official thing, unless someone official pops in and expresses interest in doing so. It would be extremely cool if that happened, but we should let DJP and crew make that decision. It may or may not be the direction he's wanting to take things right now.


1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest?

I don't mind donating money to help support this if needed, for like DVDs or something. However I don't feel that a prize is necessary, given how many successful compos/challenges are on OCR that are informal and don't have prizes. To me, just having people make videos is more important than determining a winner or rewarding the best ones, and I don't think prizes are necessary to motivate ppl to participate.

2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one.

I'd prefer something informal that would welcome all styles, silly and serious. I think it was Biznut who suggested diff categories of winners? So you could determine a genuinely best video, as well as funniest video, best low-budget, etc.

3. Which contest would you enter?

Silly I can do on my own. Serious would require me to collaborate with others.

4. Exactly.

5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship?

I don't think I have anything to add that hasn't already been said.

6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer?

Again, I'm not sure.

7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd?

If there was a lot of cool entries, sure. Like I said, I'm willing to donate money to support the project.

8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party?

Physically go or do an online thing? Online thing, sure. In person is trickier obv bc of geography.

9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail?

I think having a central server would help, if somebody has enough web space to do that. I could check to see how much space my webserver has.

10. Awww jeez what about the judges!?



1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest?

(I think the coolest idea I had was something of a 'pool', this one definitely for the :nicework:OCRMV project. For example, any donations go to the pool, a substantial amount is fronted (say $100-$300), entry into the contest has a fee of say $30 towards the pool, and the grand total gets broken down something like this: 50% grand prize, 30% goes to ocr or child's play or something, 15% to a runner-up, and 5% to help with dvd or any other fees... ok let's be realistic; the prize is $5.)

IMO, this is a bit much at this point. It has merit, but would be better suited to a later contest, pending success and involvement of this, our first attempt.

2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one.

3. Which contest would you enter?

2 and 3 I will respond to by saying we should have only 1 contest, and let people enter any style of video (minus pr0n) they wish. It is simpler and keeps everyone together in one event, which is important for a first one IMO.

5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship?

I think the only technological specification necessary is that it needs to be uploadable to youtube. It would make a viewing party easy, and the viewing party is critical, I will expound on this later. Censorship should be no pr0n, and no violence to animals, and it should fly by youtube's content standards.

6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer?

I am sure Yes, unless we can get a blanket OK on all OCR tracks from DJP for this project, but I don't know if he can even do that. I am not fully aware of the dynamics of this side of this. At the least it would be courteous to ask.

7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd?

Moot point currently, we will see what happens with our first go round. I am in favor of this idea, but it's a backburner issue.

8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party?

Would you pay my airfare? ;-) Online, absolutely I would, and IMO, this is the big payoff. This is a huge motivation for entrants, amongst other reasons. It's fun to create, but it makes it even better if you know you are going to get some recognition in some form. It's different for different people. I feel strongly that a viewing party is necessary to this contest, and it would be even better if people could keep their videos under wraps until then, to build anticipation. It's exciting just to think about, for me anyway.

9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail?

If people want to collab, then this is their problem to solve. We don't need to answer this to establish / start this contest.

10. Awww jeez what about the judges!?

Their music videos get automatic NO's, don't resubmit ;-)

Just kidding of course.

They are probably busy people, and we don't need them to be involved in any special judging capacity, especially since we don't have any standards set to judge with at this point. I would love to see them enter a video though, the more the merrier, and big names would bring this event some prestige. I wanna see Liontamer throw down some RHYMES WITH ELIXER!

I think the judging process should be a voting process open to anyone. Once the viewing/release party has ended, voting should be open for a week ish. Everyone is welcome to vote. We don't need to be real tight on this because no cash/prizes are involved. We can also have voting in a number of categories, depending on entries, but this is something we can play by ear and decide upon once we know how many people are going to hop on board.

Those are my thoughts. I feel pretty strongly that to make this contest successful, it needs to be on a reasonable scope. If we do the first one really well, then we will have some momentum to build upon for a next one, changing what didn't work for ideas that will work or that add more to the compo.

I think that the keys to making this fly include a single event with an open criteria for submissions, minus pr0n, and then a viewing party. If we keep it simple, then everyone can get involved and it can be a fun event; I think community involvement should be our primary success indicator here.

Lets do this first one and go from there.

LAOS, check your PMs.

This guy has the right idea:

You mean girl, unless I have been lied to. By like 80 people ;-)

1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest?

(I think the coolest idea I had was something of a 'pool', this one definitely for the :nicework:OCRMV project. For example, any donations go to the pool, a substantial amount is fronted (say $100-$300), entry into the contest has a fee of say $30 towards the pool, and the grand total gets broken down something like this: 50% grand prize, 30% goes to ocr or child's play or something, 15% to a runner-up, and 5% to help with dvd or any other fees... ok let's be realistic; the prize is $5.)

IMO, this is a bit much at this point. It has merit, but would be better suited to a later contest, pending success and involvement of this, our first attempt.

2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one.

3. Which contest would you enter?

2 and 3 I will respond to by saying we should have only 1 contest, and let people enter any style of video (minus pr0n) they wish. It is simpler and keeps everyone together in one event, which is important for a first one IMO.

5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship?

I think the only technological specification necessary is that it needs to be uploadable to youtube. It would make a viewing party easy, and the viewing party is critical, I will expound on this later. Censorship should be no pr0n, and no violence to animals, and it should fly by youtube's content standards.

6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer?

I am sure Yes, unless we can get a blanket OK on all OCR tracks from DJP for this project, but I don't know if he can even do that. I am not fully aware of the dynamics of this side of this. At the least it would be courteous to ask.

7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd?

Moot point currently, we will see what happens with our first go round. I am in favor of this idea, but it's a backburner issue.

8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party?

Would you pay my airfare? ;-) Online, absolutely I would, and IMO, this is the big payoff. This is a huge motivation for entrants, amongst other reasons. It's fun to create, but it makes it even better if you know you are going to get some recognition in some form. It's different for different people. I feel strongly that a viewing party is necessary to this contest, and it would be even better if people could keep their videos under wraps until then, to build anticipation. It's exciting just to think about, for me anyway.

9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail?

If people want to collab, then this is their problem to solve. We don't need to answer this to establish / start this contest.

10. Awww jeez what about the judges!?

Their music videos get automatic NO's, don't resubmit ;-)

Just kidding of course.

They are probably busy people, and we don't need them to be involved in any special judging capacity, especially since we don't have any standards set to judge with at this point. I would love to see them enter a video though, the more the merrier, and big names would bring this event some prestige. I wanna see Liontamer throw down some RHYMES WITH ELIXER!

I think the judging process should be a voting process open to anyone. Once the viewing/release party has ended, voting should be open for a week ish. Everyone is welcome to vote. We don't need to be real tight on this because no cash/prizes are involved. We can also have voting in a number of categories, depending on entries, but this is something we can play by ear and decide upon once we know how many people are going to hop on board.

Those are my thoughts. I feel pretty strongly that to make this contest successful, it needs to be on a reasonable scope. If we do the first one really well, then we will have some momentum to build upon for a next one, changing what didn't work for ideas that will work or that add more to the compo.

I think that the keys to making this fly include a single event with an open criteria for submissions, minus pr0n, and then a viewing party. If we keep it simple, then everyone can get involved and it can be a fun event; I think community involvement should be our primary success indicator here.

Lets do this first one and go from there.

LAOS, check your PMs.

You know what, what Biznut just said right here is right along with my thinking, but he said it a lot better than I did. So I take back what I said and say this instead ,)

You mean girl, unless I have been lied to. By like 80 people ;-)

This too. (It does say "Amy" right under "diotrans".) Unless I am just lying again!!

This too. (It does say "Amy" right under "diotrans".) Unless I am just lying again!!

It also says Dan Hibiki right under that. I'm so confused! :<

On topic though, I always entertained the thought of doing something animated to the music here. I'm just not confident enough with my animating skills. Especially if I'm to do them on my own. If the contest sees success, who knows? I may just enter at some point. Also, The Biznut pretty much answered the questions as I would have too. Keeping things simple is the best way to do it... at least until we can ascertain the popularity of such a contest.

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