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*NO* Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) 'Gears Grinding'

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Contact Information

* Your ReMixer name evesira

* Your real name Vincent Rubinetti

* Your email address vince@vincentrubinetti.com

* Your website vincentrubinetti.com

* Your userid 4862 (evesira)

Submission Information

* Name of game(s) arranged Donkey Kong Country 3

* Name of individual song(s) arranged Gears Grinding (remix of Nuts And Bolts by Eveline Fischer)

A few months ago I submitted Industrial Hysteria, a remix of Fear Factory from the first DKC game. It got rejected I believe because it was too much like the original (essentially it was the original with different instruments and synths). I didn't originally make it for OC; submitting it was an afterthought. As a result, I didn't read the rules on submissions until after I had submitted it (I know). Anyhow, I think this remix satisfies all the rules. I hope you enjoy.



*Vincent Rubinetti*


vince@vincentrubinetti.com (professional)

vincerubinetti@yahoo.com (casual)


The submission filesize limit is 8MBs, so watch out for that.

http://ocremix.org/chip/6323 - "Nuts and Bolts" (dkdt-16.spc)

The electric guitar synth didn't sound realistic, but it worked nicely during the speedier riffs at 1:56. When you had it play longer notes at 2:38 though, man was it ever exposed. It sounded awful. You have to either obscure or work around the deficiencies with your samples.

Also, the core beat pattern, while pretty cool, dragged on after a while. We're talking nearly 6 minutes and it never let up until FINALLY at 4:34. Trim some fat off of this one. The ending was also a head-scratcher. Why even bother with a drum fill unlike anything else in the track at 5:45 in the last 10 seconds?

As far as the arrangement, the beats and string were a strong sound upgrade, but I don't see how you could recognize that your last sub was too conservative, then think this wouldn't have similar issues. The structure was basically identical with the source. This needed to do more to stand apart as a unique interpretation of the original. The original writing on top from 2:38-3:03, 3:50-4:08 and 4:34-4:50 was a start, but I'd say that original writing wasn't that strong or cohesive, and wasn't really enough as far as interpretation.

You have some good sounds (for the most part), Vince, but you need to develop a more personalized, interpretive take on the source material that truly stands apart from the original and justifies 6 minutes.

NO (resubmit)


Yeah this drumbeat gets really repetitive, to the point where it really...grinds my gears.

hahaha get it

But seriously, this mix, aside from some nice original writing where Larry pointed out, is pretty much a really nice sound upgrade. You gotta bring more to the table.



Did we increase the submission limit to 10.8 megs? Why does no one tell me about these things?!?

I really dig the sounds you used, but like they said, reinstrumentation isn't enough. The groove also gets really tiresome rather quickly.


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