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Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History

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Posted (edited)

So far we have... RotC, KiC, HH, RotS, TDSoP, CS, BotA, PC, VotL, ToF, DQD, SSFIIHDROST, SoS, EoBLoR, H+G, SotD, and SMB. And there's MR, MWW, TMT, TSoS, LD, UH, AtW, BA, PoaP, CoE, and TSFoS in the works, according to the board... Hmm.... I can't think of any odd acronym now...

TSFoS... lol... what's that nonsense

I didnt notice ToE but i think the name is cool

Edited by Brandon Strader
Posted (edited)

Gaia, Terra, Memoria. Since Memoria is technically a part of neither! ^_^ Memoria is just the gateway to the crystal world, basically, if memory serves. And Terra is separate from Gaia; the only link is the gateway that is the Shimmering Isle. So I think they'll work as disc names, especially considering how all three are presented in game. Obviously you start off on Gaia, you start to learn more about Terra, which you visit at the end of Disc 3, and then the final dungeon is the colossus that is Memoria on Disc 4.


I'm out of ideas right now...

Edited by Mirby
Posted (edited)

I just said I'd start a private thread dude :S. Gimme a minute.

Also "In Loving Memory" does reference those things, but it references nothing from the game? Who died that we're supposed to lovingly remember exactly?

Edited by Fishy
I just said I'd start a private thread dude :S. Gimme a minute.

Also "In Loving Memory" does reference those things, but it references nothing from the game? Who died that we're supposed to lovingly remember exactly?

Project members can share their ideas here too, no? The title should be a community idea.. shouldn't it? I mean not everyone can make music for it but they should be able to help think of a name! :-D

(poor mirby)

*SPOILER* the black mages died dude

Brahne wasn't exactly worth loving... nor was Garland, not that we really knew him...

That's true... I guess I always just remember the Vivi story arc the most... I'd love to see a big focus on Vivi even in the artwork :-P

Brahne did do the whole "I was wrong" speech at her death, is she too far past redemption? :P She can't be forgiven? hahah

Posted (edited)

She was the "elephant woman" as Kuja called her... And you can never have too much Vivi! It's a fact!

EDIT: Bad quote. He says, "Her ugliness and stupidity are truly impressive!" and "Stupid elephant-lady!"


And I think Brahne's last words (or close to them) are, "I haven't...felt this way...since I saw that play...with you...and your father." while talking to Dagger.

Edited by Mirby
Project members can share their ideas here too, no? The title should be a community idea.. shouldn't it? I mean not everyone can make music for it but they should be able to help think of a name! :-D

I would rather that the people who put in the work making the music get the chance to name their own hard work. Plus it's hard enough getting the project to agree on some matters, yet alone the whole community. The last thing you need is 100 opinions on every name idea.

So yeah, keep the discussion to the private thread please. Sorry Mirby, but you've already helped out on potential disc names so no complaining :P.

Damn... oh well. I was out of ideas anyways. ^_^

Y-yeah... same here.. good run though. It may be a little early anyway. I hope I'm not being too forward in saying this but having heard the many WIPs that were privately posted, it's pretty apparent that this project is going to be very enjoyable! Good work and good luck, everyone!

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