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OCR02267 - *YES* Pokémon Gold Version 'Slowpoke Shuffle'

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Remixer Name: Willrock

Real Name: William Harby

Game Arranged: Pokemon Gold and Silver

Songs Arranged: Azalea Town Theme

Name Of Submission: Slowpoke Shuffle

So, this is a track I have made for the upcoming pokemon project. I wanted to do a more easy going approach with this remix - no overblown 80's synths or crazy synth-shred solos in this one.

And I came up with the name slowpoke shuffle as the town in the game was full of slowpoke :D

Hope you guys enjoy this one.


Pokémon Gold/Silver - Azalea Town ~ Blackthorn City

I don't often describe music like this, but this song sounds very friendly. It's solid, but not great; maybe the relaxed pacing threw me off compared with what I would have liked to have heard, but it seemed like this could have been even more interesting.

That said, there was a quasi-tropical feel to some of this, and I enjoyed the arrangement overall. Will did a nice job of keeping the foundation of the source tune constantly involved when there was original writing taking the forefront.



This source is exactly the type of track that needs to be remixed- something with a really solid base song, but a somewhat questionable arrangement.

Part of the original's weaknesses was the mixing, where the countermelodies were as loud as the melodies, and the near-constant white noise of the chip percussion. Thankfully, Willrock has given this a beautiful synth ballad treatment, with some really delicate sounding glides.

Excellent added counterpoint and overall development, and this is really sunny and pleasant. The breakdown at 2:20 was gorgeous; I love that sort of thing.

I'm super digging the feel on this one, though it seems a little on the quiet side, and the drums could have been mixed up a bit more. Just because it's a ballad doesn't mean the drums need to be on autopilot!

Good stuff, and one of my favorite Willrock mixes so far.



Well I hate to be a downer but I'm not completely sold on this. I thought the mixing overall seemed dull, like there was a bit too much filtering going on. The highs definitely suffered because of it. While I do like analogue synths the mix of instruments seemed at times flimsy. Some of the synth leads fall back in the soundscape and the "flute" was so-so.

Arrangement was a brighter subject though! Lots of tasteful counter-melodies, semi-soloing and personalized source usage. The drums became a little stale after a while but there was some decent variation. The rhythmic synth backing could also have been varied up a bit. The arrangement overall was really cool though.

I don't know how you guys can be all over this, I thought it had some issues. More than Will's stuff usually has! I'd love some other thoughts before I settle on a vote here and before we close it out.


EDIT: Willrock's fixing it up a bit and will get back to us. I'll settle when I've heard the update :)

I think it's much clearer now. Any doubt I had was gone. Though I think the panning might be changed? Feels like the drums are very much to the right.. Ah well, it's not an issue.


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