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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Saria's Awakening'

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Hello, I'm sorry that I had to attach my song, I tried for hours trying to make a web page but I couldn't get the download to work, and it seemed all the mp3 sites want money now. (I am also leaving for a month so I won't be able to make further attempts at the website). I hope you enjoy it.

Please credit to DJ Frogger

Also please include my e-mail: amnesiac@charter.net

Note: This is my first submission to OC ReMix

The other submission I made had an e-mail attachment. I hope you didn't download it because I got my (first ever) web page to finally work. The link is http://www.angelfire.com/music5/djfrogger. I understand about the bandwidth thing and am doing my best to help.

This is my first submission to OC ReMix.

Please credit to Dj Frogger.

Also please add my e-mail to the site: amnesiac@charter.net



This is a fairly straightforward piece. When it starts I'm thinking "oh man, another mmtss-saria mix :(," but as far as mmtss Saria mixes go, this one isn't really that bad, especially after getting further into the arrangement. It's a bit on the repetitive side, but what's there is nice and pleasant to listen to, and I think there are some spots in this piece that really shine, 3:21 in particular. Nice texture going on.

Certainly not the greatest mix ever, but I find it to be an enjoyable, straightforward mix that makes no pretense at being anything other than fun.



OK, the beginning is a smattering of non-musical randomosity, and the transition into the OOM-TSS is totally arbitrary and not smooth in any way.

Standard drum patterns, along with presets playing simple harmonies. No real ingenuity with regards to rhythm, progression, or melody. Some textures sound authentic, but are out of place within the rest of the sound field. The whole thing seems like a disjointed cut-and-paste job with loops. Expand upon the original, or envision it in a new light. Give it some direction and structure.

Til then, NO



This lacks the harmonic and general musical sophistication to be posted. it screams "cookie-cutter techno". It's straightforward, repetitive, and contains absolutely no subtlety.

It needs more beneath the surface. add interesting rhythms, harmonies....anything.



Captian: You there!

Commander: yes sir!

Captain: N*gage tha PHAT B33TZ, level 10!

Commander: aye aye, sir!

------- FIN ----------

I agree with everybody here in the Grand Enclave. Original + phatty drumb lupz = oh 'lizabeth... it's the big one.

It is, however, fun and enjoyable and boppable. But it's just not where we have collectively placed the bar.

Make it your own, sans the drums and original melody. Be like Vigi. Don't do drugs.


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