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Ok, I am still very new to this forum, so I'm pretty sure that I'm doing something wrong. What I am doing is just putting a view of the songs that I made on Mario Paint (made=remixed). They include piano, (a little) orchestral, and some rock. Yes, these arrangements are available on another forum, under the same name as mine (it is still me).

Here's a few of my songs. They are WAV format and the file sizes are near 17,000 KB and you might wanna turn your volume up. Just letting you know, these are not for submission, since I still don't know how to do that :P

Here we go! :

Super Mario Galaxy - Star Festival:


Super Mario Galaxy - Otherworld and Final Battle Mini-Medley:


That's all that I will offer for now :D Expect more if you guys want more!


Mario Paint remixes? Sounds neat... but do they have to be 17 megs each? Is there any chance you could just convert them to mp3 and host em that way? Most everyone who posts stuff here usually posts in mp3. If not, then... maybe I'll download em, lol.

Ah, was gonna download the Tetris one (only one whose source I'm familiar with) but the link doesn't work.

So... are you presenting us your work for our digestion, are you seeking feedback, etc.? Do you intend to submit stuff?

Oh yeah, and welcome to the forums! the only thing you're doing wrong that I can see is you've put something other than your real name in your profile thing. Unless you're name is Can't. Kinda like kent? :D


Crap, the link's broken? Ok, this really gets me mad, but I can try getting it again:banghead:.

I can probably convert them to MP3, but I simply do not have the time to do so at the moment. Maybe... next month? lol

I would really appreciate feedback, thank you. And (for the most part) my songs do at least deserve a "listen-to". When I get more used to the forums, then I might submit stuff, but I just joined 'cuz you guys gots some cool songs. :P

And I can't put "Can't Say" as my name? I was just trying to get it across that I Can't Say my real name. But I'll change it if need be. Thanks for welcoming me!


Welcome to the boards!

On WAVs and mp3s.... It literally takes 20 seconds to open a WAV in Audacity and convert it to mp3. Seriously. That said, I went ahead and did so, save the Tetris song whose link is broken. Made them a bit louder too.

Super Mario Galaxy - Star Festival:


Super Mario Galaxy - Otherworld and Final Battle Mini-Medley:


For you're "real name," just put nothing, or just your first name, rather than "Can't Say." Just a suggestion.

I'm not all that familiar with Mario Paint, but one thing really stood out to me:

The grace/pickup notes before a phrase in Star Festival (~0:08-0:09 for example in the trumpet) are really awkward. I mean it throws the meter off each time, just about.

0:54-1:16 in the medley is also really awkward. It feels like you're dropping beats in there somewhere.

Arrangement-wise, pretty cool stuff, especially for having done everything in Mario Paint. Fix the rhythm issues if you can (like I said, I'm not familiar with MP, so it might be a program thing) but yeah, seems like a lot of time went into these.


Yeah I recorded these with Audacity. Thanks for recording them again for me. I just need something to get Audacity to record and convert into MP3s. Actually, right now, I'm not able to record anything, my Audacity is gone due to malware.

I'll try to change the name thing ASAP.

With these remixes, I'm actually using sheet music. So those off beats are due to that, and because these songs are made into files, when going from one file to the next, it tends to lag up. Nothing I can do there, really.

Also, I actually try to add mistakes in here. To show that it's made by a human, not a genius (yet) ;).

Thanks for the critique, and I'll have to re-locate or record it again when I have the time and software.

EDIT: Just listened to Star Festival. For that particular off beat, I just didn't know that it was supposed to be a 32nd note. I had the speed set to 16th notes.

And here's a little Super Mario Bros. 3 if anyone's interested:


Yes, it's WAV again, so please bear with me. They're all gonna have to be WAV for now. :-/


Yeah, I had a limit on my instruments (and they're kinda random). I guess I could've chosen a lighter drum technique. Also, I lost my audacity, so the whole MP3 convert thing is gonna take a while for me to do/find/get used to on this new computer.

iTunes? Are you sure? Can you explain it to me? Or, if not, I'll just stick with a downloadable version. By the way, as you can see by how I stubborn I am, I am lazy. :sleepzzz:

Goldwave is easy as well. Just download a trial version of it and save your .wav as an .mp3 - done deal.

By the way, as you can see by how I stubborn I am, I am lazy. :sleepzzz:

This does not bode well for you...

In any rate, foobar2k does the converting just as easily. Just need the .dll for the mp3 conversion and you're good to go. the .dll is also quite easy to find on google.

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