djpretzel Posted June 7, 2004 Posted June 7, 2004 ReMix Name: Memory of a little girl Original: Tifa's Mothers' Theme Game: Final Fantasy 7 Site: Email: Hey it's TO again. I made this last year, but I forgot about it until now. It has vocal loops from descent 3 and orchestral sounds. The orchestral parts were recorded at 112 kbps, but I think they still sound fine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEEK: Now with over 50,000 dream jobs! Click here!
Vig Posted June 11, 2004 Posted June 11, 2004 First...i dont recall the original well enough to know if this is too close to it. my instinct is that it's fine. i found the intro quite emotive, and the short vocal clip was very nice.. the segments in this mix are very sad and main concern is that there isnt great continuity. for segments nearly everything will drop out. it's borderline, but i'm going to lean towards the YES direction, because i found it personally enjoyable. i wish the vocals were used more.
danny B Posted June 14, 2004 Posted June 14, 2004 Ah, "The Other Side of the Mountain". One of my personal favorites from my favorite OST, and one of the few songs i can actually play on piano. The mix consists of primarily orchestral fare, broken up by melodic lines on piano. I personally think that the harmony of the original really made the tune, and unfortunately, i don't think this track does it justice. Aside from the fact that latter half of song is an obviously minor-keyed attraction, and then arbitrarily resolves to a major ending, there are harmonic problems abound. Muddy bass notes do more to conflict with the other voices rather than supplement them around the 2:41-2:55 area. It makes it a bit difficult to enjoy the rather pleasant chord progressions occuring at that time. Come 3:42, we finally get the main piano melody playing with sufficient harmonic background. Had there been more sections like this, it might be acceptable. The vocal sample is enjoyable, but to me it sounds very out of place. My ear training isn't the greatest, but I think the sample is jumping a minor 6th, the interval of an augmented triad between the two outer notes, then resolving to a 5th, within the context of minor chords. A bit awkward to my ear, and certainly not theoretically wrong. Maybe others might enjoy it. Vigilante was right about the continuity. It's definately a problem. The piano sample isn't very good, and it's solo melodic sections really stick out as sounding unfinished. There is slight harmonic reinforcement via string chords and a woodwind instrument, but the strings are static and simply provide a chord to play against. The woodwind instrument (oboe?) simply gives the piano something to resolve against, and then a simpler phrasing of the melody to accompany it. Not very interesting, to me at least. The different sections suffer from sounding pasted together, as there's no real transition, apart from awkward silences that appear to attempt dramatic spacing. This, along with the unnaccompanied melodic piano, comes out to being more boring than interestingly spartan. The sound quality is also a bit of an issue as well. The vocal sample within sections of higher activity sounds decent enough. However, sections like 2:24 contain a kind of "rumble" sound that cuts off abruptly. I'm also hearing what sounds like low quality mp3 artifacting, but since the mp3 is in 128k, I can only conclude that it's a sample conversion issue. This tune has a lot of good ideas, but it suffers from sound quality issues and continuity issues that fall below the criteria. A bit more variation in instrumentation, more attention to harmonic detail and a more fluid presentation would do wonders for this work in progress. Give 'er another go and fix up these issues, and then YOU'RE WINNER! NO -D
Malcos Posted June 16, 2004 Posted June 16, 2004 The elements of this mix are good - unfortunately it's very sparse indeed. The piano sample sounded a bit iffy, but that's not the issue, so that was just a nitpick. It's a difficult descision to make, because it is good, but at the end of the day this is just not engaging enough. NO
Protricity Posted June 30, 2004 Posted June 30, 2004 My issues are basically thus: The whole mix is trite. Lots of emotional this and emotional that. Piano, woman singing vocal, slow pad strings. I would really really like to see such songs rise above such typical and simplistic nature. Theres much that could have been done with this song. NO
The wingless Posted July 9, 2004 Posted July 9, 2004 HAHAHAHA. You used Descent 3 clips to make ur song. NICE JOB, MATERIAL DEFENDER! Anyways, I don't think I had as much of an issue with the continuity because I enjoy the kind of "stream of consciousness" orchestration. I don't think we have much of that around here. I'd hate to think that, when in Orchestra Town, one must write from point A to point B and one must make it rife with activity. I'm not defending this piece's short comings, but I am advocating that there are, heaven forfend, different ways to go about a genre. To which, I'm sure, my compatriots will label me, Teh Ghey. To them, I can only assure them that their mother was most satisfied with my sexual exploits, and that they have been summarily PWNED by a black man. Honestly, I really enjoyed this piece. But this should come as no suprise, since it's done it that same meandering style as Eutopia Pegasi. I think the technical issues brought up (though quite valid) are not enough to keep it from the OCR library. At the very least, it is imbued with a soul I don't get to hear very often... and that's good enough for me. YES
GrayLightning Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 To which, I'm sure, my compatriots will label me, Teh Ghey. To them, I can only assure them that their mother was most satisfied with my sexual exploits, and that they have been summarily PWNED by a black man. YES Ladies and Gentlemen, the wingless.
DarkeSword Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 To which, I'm sure, my compatriots will label me, Teh Ghey. To them, I can only assure them that their mother was most satisfied with my sexual exploits, and that they have been summarily PWNED by a black man. YES Ladies and Gentlemen, the wingless. Is that a YES vote from you Gray? Because I'm about to NO this. I agree with the lack of continuity sentiments by other judges. While I can see what Wingless is talking about with the stream-of-conciousness idea, I really don't think it's pulled off very well. There's too much repetition for a real tone-poem kind of stream-of-conciousness arrangement, but at the same time, the whole thing comes off much too simplistic to be of any real interest. Arrangement is sparse. There's a nice texture here too, but I think that the piano is just too damn bright. Now, I'll admit I'm a bit biased against brighter sounding pianos (OHNOES JUJDES BIASZZ!!~1!), but in this context it's just very out of place. Something warmer and darker would be much more appropriate and expressive than the metallic sound of that piano. NO
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