Liontamer Posted March 11, 2010 Posted March 11, 2010 Hello my name is Aaron Moody this is my (second) submission kinda got lazy so i just took the old email tweeked it so it fits this song: Remixer name: Moody ca Jones Real name: Aaron Moody email adress: website(this is my myspace if you guys don't put like putting myspaces up please email me back ill try and make my own page): Forum name: Moody ca Jones About the song Song name: Sed Rock Kingdom Hearts: Dearly Beloved Chrono Trigger: Leaving the Body, Time's Scar Zelda: Main theme(dont know the name of the song) Talk about the song: Second shot, Sometime ago i sent in a song from a school project this is that song ( i think) i just took some of the same games and fashioned them into a new style of song but instead of use'n a schools equipment i used my own hope you like it Ps. kidna hammerd right now -------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting stuff, though the sequenced electric guitar at :29 sounded pretty rough, which dragged this down. The Kingdom Hearts and Zelda and "Time's Scar" usage sounded pretty obvious while "Leaving the Body" was harder for me to make out. It's not as catchy a theme to me. I like the overall concept, and the arrangement was built out in a way where the transitions were decent. Definitely unorthodox dynamics and textures (with some goofy SFX usage here and there [e.g. Mario power-up, SEGA, PlayStation]). Others may not be down, because some of the SFX is gimmicky and arguably breaks the flow of the track, but they serve as transition signals. I can basically look past that and don't think that needs to be a big issue. After several listens just to make sure it wasn't a kneejerk reaction, I'd like to get behind this, but there's something about the way the various parts constantly interplay at nearly the same volume that makes the track come off as having too little cohesion and direction. Maybe all this needs is a better sense of space with some elements being decreased in volume so the track doesn't seem so cluttered and difficult to focus on. I could be wrong, so I'm willing to take more looks at this, but that issue seemed to be the main one holding this back to me. On the mixing side, seems like some levels would just need to be tweaked, but I have a feeling other Js may feel there are other issues. This was quirky and creative though, so I'd like to see it posted in some form. See if you can tweak some things Aaron, for a more streamlined track. You wouldn't have to drop/change parts, IMO, but once the song hit 1:01, things got very busy at the expense of sounding fully focused. NO (resubmit)
OceansAndrew Posted March 23, 2010 Posted March 23, 2010 I really like the creative vibe on this, and the overall feel is awesome, but there are a lot of production issues that hold me back from Yesing this. Please don't take my critiques as an indication that I disliked the mix; quite the contrary, I thought the pacing and flow, as well as the different sections were all really cool. There is what sounds like a dropped beat right after the 'playstation' sound clip. I listened to the part several times, and it sounded like that each time. I'm not sure if it's an actual sequencing error, or what, but it's really distracting. I think that the sound effects themselves detract from the overall feel, and the opening Sega and then later the Mario sounds really don't have anything to do with any of the game themes included. I'd suggest either replacing them with thematically relevant SFX, or removing them completely. I wasn't bothered by the synth guitar, probably because it didn't sound anything like a guitar to me, and it was well humanized, but usually when it's playing, it is competing with the cool chippy stuff for the same space. I'd pan one or both of the elements more, so there is a bit more separation. Source use and arrangement are solid enough for me, even though it does get a little unfocused later on; it's mostly just a production tune-up that's required for this, and at least consider removing the sound clips, please. no, please resubmit
DragonAvenger Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 I'm going to go out on a limb and say that drunk submissions usually aren't a good idea, but this one has some nice points to it, and it is very creative. There are some moments that are downright beautiful (1:38 is fantastic), but I feel like things are so hectic most of the time that it's hard to grasp what's going on. The lack of a set direction, and therefore at times development, is what's causing problems for me. I'd like to see there be more of a connection between what's going in the various themes. For example, the change at 1:38 doesn't have a clear relation to what's going on before it. I do like the quirky nature of what's going on, but I personally need more relationships between all the sections. There are some production issues that are getting to me as well. I can't say I'm a fan of the different sfx used throughout the song. As OA said, a lot of them don't connect towards the sources, and feel out of place, but overall I find them to be jarring and unnecessary, even as transition devices. At least find some sounds that connect to the sources, please. The chip sounds overall are a bit too loud compared to the rest of the track. This is partly because they have very good cutting power, so they don't need as much volume to be heard clearly. Right now they are all I can hear at times. I will also agree with OA that at times the synth guitar and chip stuff (and some other elements) are all vying for the same space. Open up your soundscape more by panning some stuff. There are some pretty awesome parts in here, and I think you can bring this together to make a really nice track. Re-look at some of this stuff to get things fixed up, please. NO (resubmit)
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