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Sir, this is WEIRD! It's so weird that I just love it :P

Still, I don't think this fits the website standards. The whole mix's so conservative it almost sounds like a cover. During a lot of moments, I can hear the exact same melody from the original source, played with different instruments and a few (nice) effects inbetween. It's also very sequenced, and lacks some variation, specially from 0:01 to 1:42.

As you say, though, the overall result is a fun, zoing-zoing tune. I like it!


Haha, thank you very much for the compliment! I was thinking about extending it and having it mash up with the Mods de Chocobo song also in FFVIII.

The main chocobo medley is different from the source though, it's glitched to a slow triplet, but I suppose I could add greater variation. Thanks for the feedback!


Somehow the Samples doesnt seem to Harmonize very well and the Drumlines sound way to Looplike. If you improve alot in the Point of Dynamics and vary the Leadinstruments, ergo removing the chiplike lead, it could fit for a Remix.


The sounds themselves seem passable (most of them), but the overall sound isn't. Lead melody played on a really simple synth sound, with all this other cool distorted stuff stuff going on... I'm not seeing how it could work with that pairing. Some of your sound choices are a bit puzzling, like the 1:06 noise thing and the 1:14 bass thing.

Also it's too conservative, and kind'a random. There's no real sense of progression, not much of a forward momentum or drive, seems more like a medley of different versions of the same thing not really leading anywhere. Seems like you sampled the original and changed the timing, plus did some slicing towards the end. You'd probably have to get the melody on a different instrument, something more appropriate for the rest of the track if you're aiming on getting it posted on ocr.

The timing of the delays throw off my sense of rhythm during the pauses (the intro sounds terrible when I'm not counting beats with my foot). Not sure the instruments fit together rhythmically much at all. There's other points where the effects, be they delays, reverbs or whatever, make the whole thing muddy. 0:19, altho part of the intro, is the best example of an out-of-control delay effect muddying up the lows.

So no, not good enough for ocremix, but I hope this gives you some idea of what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong. There's lots of cool ideas in here, but you'd need to build around the source instead of just injecting it into the different parts - that way you'll get a more directed arrangement. You've got some cool ideas (and some ideas that are... :P let's use the word "funny"), you just gotta structure the track better and avoid some mixing pitfalls.

Keep it up. :D


When the chocobo melody plays it's going on a shuffled rhythm, or in other words, triplets. Your percussion is still going in 4/4 time and it's clashing with the rhythm. I'm guessing this is what is making the melody sound delayed most of the time. When the wobble synth drops in at 1:16 it starts feeling less disjointed as you've got the triplet rhythm going on. Before that, though, it's a bit of a stretch to hear the parts fit together.

The mix is stronger sound design-wise after the 2 minute mark. And it's a tad late bringing in the heavier stuff here. You'd want to catch the listener's attention earlier on and put your best foot forward with the sounds. Maybe start playing the chocobo early drop the wobble synth with the chocobo melody again following the triplet rhythm. This will improve your track's structure at least somewhat.

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