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ReMixer name: Skyggesang

Real name: Alex Melching

E-mail address: stormblown@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.myspace.com/skyggesang

User ID: 32069 (http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32069)

Names of games arranged: Metroid Prime + Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Names of individual tracks arranged: Phendrana Drifts 1 + Torvus Bog

Track specifications: MP3, 7,26 MB hard disk space, bitrate 192 kbps, 44100 Hz stereo.

Comments on the remix:

Both arranged tracks were given different scales to match each other. Basically, I then took portions from both tracks (main melody, chords, drums) and blended them in one passage, creating several passages like this. My style is ambient-like, so there's nothing too fancy about the re-arranging technically speaking; it's all about atmosphere.


  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a little torn on this one. As far as I can tell, there is little to no original material in this. However, the two sources are melded together very well, with certain elements from each playing on top of one another. I'm leaning yes on this due to how the two sources were arranged together, as well as they key change for both and the small style change to a more ambient atmosphere.

Production is decent, although everything feels pretty mechanical, which draws back a little on the ambiance. I'm also not a fan of the drum sounds, especially the snare, which doesn't have much power to it, but it does fit the soundscape decently. There's nothing that is glaringly bad to me, but I'm not really wowed by the production, either.

Overall, I think the arrangement of the two sources is what makes it for me, because of the creativity in putting the two together and how they are meshed. YES


Arrangement is interesting. Even though it's almost all culled (or all culled?) from the two sources, it has a new spin to it because of the way the sources are combined and the different instruments used. It was slightly repetitive within a given section - I heard a lot of the same patterns getting used four times in a row - but on a macro level, lots of variety.

From the intro onward, I heard things that could have been done to improve the production. Deia noted the mechanicalness though I thought it was a much bigger deal. That piano always sounds fake, especially because of how dry it is - this is a must fix to me. The pads were too loud and competed with the foreground instruments, the snare was too dry and lacked thump that would have rounded out the soundscape better. With some of these fixes in place, this would have a shot at getting my YES, though some additional details in the writing or production would really make this one shine.

NO (resubmit)


Pads are too loud, piano is too mechanical, everything sounds far too dry. Putting the melody in the pads also makes it sound muffled and ill-defined. Not a lot of balance here.

Arrangement is okay, but needs to take more risks with the source material. Things sort of plod along; need some more evolution in the texture.

NO, resub

  • 2 weeks later...

Woah, agree with DA that the snare is WAAAY too weak. Given the intro, I'm waiting for a

thundering foot-deep snare. Is that a brush kit? Really? Many many more testicles required.

Aside from this, the pads are really overpowering, and the sequencing is really mechanical. I don't think this one's that close.



I really like the arrangement ideas on this, but the super mechanical piano and the weak snare is dragging this down a lot.

I think making the texture more interesting and varied throughout would help move this one along, but the 2 big issues are the snare and the still piano.

No, please resubmit

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